
Ruby Lynne arrives home: a newbie's experience

Zelex is a company specializing in the development and manufacture of ultra-realistic sex dolls. We have a professional R&D team whose purpose is to design high-quality sex toys to provide customers with a perfect experience. Each of our products is hand-drawn by the artist with a realistic shape and fine makeup. We guarantee the product quality is safe and has the test certificate from an authority. Website: www.zelexdoll.com
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Ruby Lynne arrives home: a newbie's experience

Post by mibdul »

WARNING: This is a stream of consciousness wall of text that I jotted down while unpacking and preparing my new girl. I've edited it, and there are a few pictures sprinkled in plus a couple of poses at the end. I'm hoping to pay forward the value I got from reading about the experiences of other first-timers here. There are a few illustrative pics, but taking and sharing a lot of full body pics as I was getting her ready seemed too much like sharing someone else's medical photos. Also, my doll is made from regular Zelex silicone. PLEASE DO NOT USE ANYTHING I SAY HERE ON A NON-SILICONE OR SLE DOLL WITHOUT A LOT OF THOUGHT AND RESEARCH.

Vital Statistics
  • Name: Ruby Lynne
  • Maker: Zelex
  • Model: X165-F, Inspiration series modeled from a live scan
  • Heads: GE95 with dark eye makeup; GE94 standard; both soft silicone with movable jaws and implanted eyebrows/eyelashes
  • Other Notes: EXP skeleton, boltless standing feet, gel breasts and butt, hard hands, articulated fingers, Inspiration insert vagina with labia

UPS hefted her box onto my porch around 12:40pm this afternoon. The box was heavy, but not unmanageable. Some roughness and dampness at the corners, but in generally great shape. I walked it through a couple of rooms into my bedroom, got it onto the bed, and photo-documented it.

Box on Arrival.jpg
Box on Arrival.jpg (60.3 KiB) Viewed 5798 times

I took video of the box opening just in case something was wrong. Everything seems to be present and undamaged on the inside. She's both bigger and smaller than I expected -- that is, she's well proportioned for her size but I'm a pretty big guy and she seemed very slight to me. Got her neck unbolted from the box, angled her arms and feet up, and got her sitting.

Hallelujah, I can lift her! Had a bad moment where I thought I couldn't. She's an armful, though, and I'm gonna be getting a workout. Which is good! Any excuse to get more exercise is a good one, and this is a great one. She's also quite chilly from being shipped in late November.

After a couple of tries I got her onto the other side of the bed and removed her protective gloves and booties. I was fascinated by the tendon and vein detail in her hands and feet. Others mentioned she has very slender fingers, and that's really true. My fingers are about twice as thick as hers, though hers are almost as long. She also has rather dainty feet. Straightened her legs and got her onto her feet, which surprised me again. I knew in my mind that she was 165cm/5'5" with her head, but she seems much taller on her feet. Still far slimmer than me, but suddenly felt much more like a woman. Took the opportunity to give her a long hug before leaning her, cushioned, against the wall. She's standing on a silicone non-slip mat covered with a towel.

Measurement time! Many thanks to nooneknows' Guide to Women's Clothing. HUGE help here. All my measurements in hand, I took a break to order a couple of things. :) More to come when my budget rolls over tomorrow. Then, I prepped some warm water and mild soap for her sponge bath.

Carefully washed her front, using a very soft scrubbing mitt and short, light strokes. Found myself very impressed with the sculpt of her navel -- it's shallow, but gives the impression of being much deeper and very real. Also variously distracted by her other features. :oops: It was while I was sitting in front of her, washing her legs and feet, that it started to hit home. She's actually here. I'm washing her body. She'll be in bed with me tonight. Up until now, I've been too buried in details to really think about it. Now I get really excited again.

Patted her dry with a microfiber cloth and turned her around to wash her back. I found this even more distracting than washing her front, which I suppose teaches me some things about myself. Her back is wonderfully sculpted, and the outer curves of her breasts just visible as I looked between her arms and body were really working for me. She's a live scan sculpt from an obviously fit woman, so she doesn't have nearly as much ass as a lot of dolls, but what she does have is well sculpted and pleasingly proportioned, with just a bit of jiggle to it.

Back View As Delivered.jpg
Back View As Delivered.jpg (87.48 KiB) Viewed 5798 times

Finished up her back and patted her dry. Now, while her body finishes drying a bit more, time to finally unwrap the heads! They came well packed in cloth drawstring bags with hard foam face masks protecting the eyes and nose and a soft foam block protecting the mouth and jaw. The heads are also heavier than they look, which is something else I've often seen commented on here. My first impression was that none of the pics I'd seen so far got across how good the eyes are. Detailed, with good color and a real feeling of depth to them. They're spring loaded in their sockets, making them very easy to press slightly inward to adjust. The dark eye makeup still looks really great in person, and I'm now a little sad that I didn't request it on both heads. However, I've been acquiring makeup and doing some research on technique, so maybe I can remedy that myself in future.

GE95 Head.jpg
GE95 Head.jpg (119.6 KiB) Viewed 5798 times
GE94 Head.jpg
GE94 Head.jpg (75.09 KiB) Viewed 5798 times

After an extra-careful wash of the heads and a pat dry, I put them on the table with the wigs I brushed earlier. Oh yeah -- my wig stands and second wig also arrived today, about 2 hours before Ruby did. So at least I was able to get them brushed out a bit beforehand. The one on the left is better quality, but the one on the right has a bit more of that ginger orange. I'll probably be experimenting with both over the next few days.

Wigs on Stands.jpg
Wigs on Stands.jpg (171.66 KiB) Viewed 5798 times

Next step: the insert. I chose to try out the new Inspiration insert vagina with attached labia. Gave it a good washing in the sink with lukewarm water, then hung it to dry. There's a cruciform piece on the far end of the insert that allowed me to hang it from my drying rack fairly easily. I'm also trying out both a tampon and a drying stick to see what works well for me.

Cruciform Insert End.jpg
Cruciform Insert End.jpg (39.26 KiB) Viewed 5798 times

Since we were in the neighborhood, as it were, I also gave her a nice backdoor cleansing. I used the simple irrigator that Zelex included, with soapy and then clean water. With a little bit of lube it worked just fine. I did it with her still standing on the pad and towel, just put down a plastic basin between her legs to catch the runoff. After a little time to drip dry, that also got the tampon/drying stick treatment.

With all that done, I realized I hadn't eaten yet, and waiting for things to dry properly seemed like a good time to remedy that. In the process I took a few moments to peruse the Zelex user guide, which did confirm how to attach the head later and also has a full breakdown of the skeleton's ranges of motion -- handy! Now fed, I returned and checked the drying status of her insert and rear. The tampons did a pretty solid job overall -- going to see if the drying sticks can get the last little bit done. While they work, on to powdering! Starting with her back, since she's still turned that way.

Dear god. If there's anyone who has the slightest doubt about the usefulness of powdering silicone dolls, I can only advise them to try it. I'm using a formulation close to Averbeck's -- arrowroot and cornstarch with a bit of baking soda -- and it immediately took the experience of her skin from "nice if a little rough and grabby" to "oh, hey, this feels like smooth human skin". Running my hands along her powdered body is downright magical. It does pale her skin ever so slightly, but given that I've got a thing for casual goth looks that's more of a feature than a bug for me.

Turned her around and powdered her front as well. I've been using a 5" body powder puff for this, and slowly segued into doing the final smoothing by running my hands along her freshly powdered skin. Doing it that way is... not a hardship, to say the least. Aaaand, gave the heads the same powder treatment. I originally tried doing the face with a smaller makeup brush, but found that using the puff just outside the face and blending inward with my fingers worked better. It's also very easy to tell by feel what areas haven't been powdered yet. I also gave the exterior of the insert a good powdering, which did wonders for its stickiness and may make it easier to put in.

With the powdering done, I got her back into bed on her back and spread her legs a bit. Once I got over being distracted by that -- and spent a few moments enjoyably rubbing stray bits of powder into her skin -- It was time to deal with the insert. Or it will be, in a few minutes. I spent those few minutes making sure that everything was nice and dry. The drying stick worked perfectly on her rear, which is very tight. It worked well but more slowly on the insert, which isn't pressing itself into the stick on all sides so much. While I waited I tied another Zelex inclusion, a strip of black lace and ribbon, onto her leg as a garter. Probably what it was meant for, but it serves well in any case -- though I may trim down the ribbon ends a bit at some point.

Getting the insert in was a bit of a learning process. Turns out that the correct answer is: lube the outside of it well. Then it becomes very easy, if slightly messy. I'm using water-based anal lube with her in general, as some here have suggested, for its ability to adhere better and theoretically last longer before drying.

Her nethers now complete, it's time to get her dressed and sitting up. After some wrangling of joints and cloth I get her into the cami-set PJs that were the only thing I was comfortable ordering for her without having taken measurements. The top is a little long and loose, and the shorts are an affront to modesty at best. Again, features rather than bugs in this instance, I think. Upon levering her to sitting, I learn that her legs are too short to reach the floor from my bed. Time to get her something for her feet. With that, and some more joint massaging, I get her sitting more or less as I want her. Time, finally, for her finishing touches!

As her head goes on, the whole dynamic changes. She stops registering as an attractive female body in my brain and starts registering as a person. It's amazing how much effect faces have on us simple primates. I'd also worried a lot about the wigs. I have no experience with them, I didn't have exact measurements for her head, and I picked up inexpensive ones so that I wouldn't be out a lot if I didn't end up sold on the color. But one quick and easy application and a little final brushing later, and she was there with me in the room.

Allow me to formally introduce Ruby Lynne:

I had to get pretty handsy while helping her through her post-travel spa day, and I'm not sure she appreciated it. I seem to be getting some reproachful looks.
Reproach.jpg (247.52 KiB) Viewed 5798 times

On the other hand, we're just getting to know each other, so it's possible that I misread that initial expression...
Definitely Not Reproach.jpg
Definitely Not Reproach.jpg (228.73 KiB) Viewed 5798 times

Thank you again to all of those whose posts have guided me on my journey so far. Once we get more comfortable with each other and expand her wardrobe I'll be starting a proper photo thread as well.

Addendum: I've been startled by her at least three times already when walking into the bedroom. She really does have a presence, and it may take me a few days to get used to sharing my space with her. I'm looking forward to the journey.

Camera Used: Pixel 6 phone, using portrait mode on a tripod for the last two photos.
Photomanipulation: Cropping and resizing only, except for some blurring of background objects in the last two photos, all done using GIMP software.

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Re: Ruby Lynne arrives home: a newbie's experience

Post by b33 »

Very nice great choice!
Kaley 3.0 Zelex X165 GE94-2 head
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Re: Ruby Lynne arrives home: a newbie's experience

Post by Cameramike »

Cute gal. Stick with white clothes so she doesn’t stain also with the dark clothes wash several times you can soak her clothes to see if they run if color shows it will stain her. You are safe with white. Also you might want to get a hair net for night time sleeping. But remember wigs can stain and leave marks on the heads.but the wigs will hide this.

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Re: Ruby Lynne arrives home: a newbie's experience

Post by mibdul »

b33 wrote: Wed Nov 29, 2023 11:38 pm Very nice great choice!
Thanks! Your photoshoots with the most recent incarnation of Kaley were definitely one of my inspirations. :mrgreen:

Oh, and I was so busy running down my checklist that I forgot the thing I left off of it -- scent! I was inspired by Vampire_Jesus describing how important he found scent. Unfortunately, I have an issue with perfume. Some base component used in pretty much all of them -- not sure what exactly -- nose-blinds me, so that all perfumes just smell like "perfume" to me and don't do anything for me at all.

So, I did some experimentation with essential oil mixes, inspired by an older comment from Musiclover. I came up with a misting spray combining sweet orange, clove, nutmeg, and cedarwood. I've now sprayed some in her hair, as originally intended.

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Re: Ruby Lynne arrives home: a newbie's experience

Post by Rotgut_the_bloated »

Its funny, i was also startled of my doll presence at first. And everyone who comes to my room gets startled also.

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Re: Ruby Lynne arrives home: a newbie's experience

Post by mibdul »

Cameramike wrote: Wed Nov 29, 2023 11:58 pm Cute gal. Stick with white clothes so she doesn’t stain also with the dark clothes wash several times you can soak her clothes to see if they run if color shows it will stain her. You are safe with white. Also you might want to get a hair net for night time sleeping. But remember wigs can stain and leave marks on the heads.but the wigs will hide this.
Thanks, CM.

White clothes are, with a few exceptions, not really my thing. I'm going to spend a few extra bucks on nicer clothes and some extra time soaking and pre-washing them, and roll the dice. If I get staining, I may change my tactics.

Not sure how I'm going to handle wigs and nighttime yet -- we'll see how it goes.

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Re: Ruby Lynne arrives home: a newbie's experience

Post by Reggster »

Nice looking girl you have there!
I have the same model.
Zelex SLE

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Re: Ruby Lynne arrives home: a newbie's experience

Post by john1972 »

She looks great :thumbs_up:

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Re: Ruby Lynne arrives home: a newbie's experience

Post by magicdoll-net »


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Re: Ruby Lynne arrives home: a newbie's experience

Post by mibdul »

Reggster wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:42 am Nice looking girl you have there!
I have the same model.
Thanks, Reggster! Just checked out your review of the SLE series. Excellent stuff there.
john1972 wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 1:18 am She looks great :thumbs_up:
I appreciate it, John.

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Re: Ruby Lynne arrives home: a newbie's experience

Post by 4891d »

Welcome to TDF, Ruby Lynne! :)

Links to 4891d's dolls-stories. : viewtopic.php?t=156068
Saaskiya, my beautiful gift (Zelex GE04) : viewtopic.php?t=154462
Trixie came to me (Funwest Dolls Trixie) : viewtopic.php?t=155900
Eurydice, a nice surprise (Elsa Babe RHC019)

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Re: Ruby Lynne arrives home: a newbie's experience

Post by Nackers »

She's very nice. The dark eyeshadow really works with that wig, such a great look.

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Re: Ruby Lynne arrives home: a newbie's experience

Post by Michaelangelo »

Second Nackers on the eyeshadow and wig, it's really striking, what an ace gal you have there!

And the comment about the physical presence of these dolls gets me grinning every time... 😉 Hope you are all set for a very enjoyable weekend in every sense.
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Re: Ruby Lynne arrives home: a newbie's experience

Post by carbohvdrates »

Glad you saw vampire's thread bc I was just about to recommend his dark clothes wash ritual out of an abundance of caution and my love for casual goth girl dolls getting to exist stain free in the world.

I'm a fan of Ruby's hair color a lot for her actually, it's a very flattering reddish brown that honestly gives her a little pop of natural tones while still getting to wear all black makeup. Great taste, hope you continue to enjoy her!
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Please don't reply to my posts with incel talking points.
It makes the wigs tangle.

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Re: Ruby Lynne arrives home: a newbie's experience

Post by Vampire_Jesus »

Hey Ruby, glad you made it home safe and sound!

It's great to read these threads from other first time owners, fills me with the same joy you're undoubtedly feeling with Ruby's presence at hand! I know Tifa and I enjoyed reading it from the comfort of bed, should prolly get up but eh... what's a few more hours :mrgreen:

Thanks for the shout-outs! Though just to be clear, I cannot claim to have pioneered any if my techniques, that goes to many different forum users over the years 8) It is nice to have the information in one place though and I thought it best to share details of my experience trying them just in case. Sad to hear about the perfume, but it sounds like you found a workaround which is rad! Also agree the slight pale tone from the powder is just super, casual goth lovers unite! Did you end up washing Ruby when she was standing or laying down somewhere?

As far as staining, Tifa is due for a wash today so I'll make sure I didn't miss any stains but I havent seen any in 2 weeks of all black and *A LOT* of physical contact. Same with her wig, which is black- no stains to report but I do use a very thin wig cap. The hair tie also keeps her hair very tidy when cuddling in bed, but upkeep will be inevitable. I'm sure some kind of hair net will help prevent it, but I like to let her hair be free :D Odd as it sounds, finding loose strands of her hair in bed is just another one of those quirks I personally love... just another tangible reminder that I have someone who I love dearly in my life now. We hope you two continue to enjoy your honeymoon together! :multi:
I have a lovely lady, she means a lot to me.
She's not welcome here, so we've moved on.

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