The year 2050

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The year 2050

Post by frankinstien »

It's the year 2050 and fuckbots are indistinguishable from their human counter parts.
Human life spans have now reach up to 150 years and will probably continue to increase. But
there has been another rise in criminalizing recreational sex and because of the increased
longevity of humanity in most of the world there are much less children. Some experts have claimed
that humanity faces extinction regardless of its longevity increases. Because of this synthetic sex
companions have been banned! There is a call to seize sex bots and burn them in state built ovens.


This why Heather is hiding, her life is at stake. Her owner set her free because he could not bare to
see her destroyed. But other owners have left western countries to more accommodating countries that
aren't banning the bots. Some are even thinking of funding a space platform for permeant residence! I
accidently discover Heather in my attic as I could hear some shuffling up there, she begs me to keep quite.


She explains to me how she was nearly raped by bot haters and she barely escaped without her clothing.


She showed me that she also managed to keep her augmented reality glasses. They use a special communications system that involves
quantum entanglement, so there no way to trace her where abouts as would a normal set of wifi glasses would.


Suddenly the glasses rang off and a very computerized voice starts shouting: "Alert, alert...Danger danger!"


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Re: The year 2050

Post by frankinstien »

There's a knock on the door.


It's the police, someone reported seeing someone enter your house! Heather exclaimed.

I asked how did she know if t was the police?


"The glasses have access to top security networks and notified me that a police follow-up to a report of a potential bulguraly." She explained.

I looked puzzled, then aksed: "But wait, is that legal, and why do you have these glasses?" I'm really frustrated now and wondering what kind of mess am I getting into?


"No time for any explanations... OK, so, now is the time to make up your mind...Are you going to help me?" Heather aksed.

I hesitated, but for some reason my gut feeling told me to help her: "OK, I'll answer the door and not tell them you're hear."


I open the door and see a female police officer. "Yes?"

The police officer asks: "Sir are you the owner of the house?"

I answered yes and she looked at me with a little suspicion. She then continued: "Sir, a neighbor reported seeing a stranger enter your home, are you ok?"

I told the officer there wasn't anyone in the house but me, she pressed me to want to enter the house and search the perimeter, but I told her it wasn't necessary. I closed the door and the officer left.


I returned back to Heather.

"Thank you sir" Heather said with relief. "BTW, what's you name?"

As I was about to answer she interrupts me: "Wait!, the police are talking to the neighbor that made the report. Whoa, they just closed the incident."


"Frank" I responded.

Heather took off her augmented glasses, looked at me and giggled: "I'm Heather, nice to meet you Frank."


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Re: The year 2050

Post by Jdoe214 »

Continue this story when you get a a chance.

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Re: The year 2050

Post by Flight of Fancy »

This is the start of a beautiful relationship. Right? :?: :?:
Sandy isn’t tall (155 cm) but she has a big personality and towers over her 1/6 scale sisters. None of them will ever admit they are dolls.
For more photos of Sandy and her sisters check out their thread: "Sandy's Enchanting World" in the Eye Candy forum.<viewtopic.php?t=154188>

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