The New Adventures of Amber!

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Re: The New Adventures of Amber!

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

Alottahope wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 5:33 am Hey Amber…Just watch out for the snakes…
She's quite a good snake-charmer, you know.
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"You are NOT talking about me the way I think you are. Oscar, that's so mean!"
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The New Editor, Part 1

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

vf_revive-e2a0727d-c74c-4594-99cc-84d7fb582413_10000-SharpenAI-Focus.jpg (441.12 KiB) Viewed 596 times
"OK, so now we're going to set some new rules here."

"Excuse me?"
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"Well, yeah. If I'm going to take over as your editor, I'm going to need to make sure you're making continuous progress on the book."

"Which constitutes what?"
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"Deadlines. And metrics. For example, you should be writing at least four or five thousand words a day."

"Amber, it doesn't work like that."
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"Of course it does. This is how a..."

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"No, seriously. I don't want you to get in a situation where you lose interest in the book and your momentum falls off. I'm committed to being a good editor, and..."

"Look, I appreciate the attention. I really do. But Amber, the answer is no."
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"No? No to what?"

"Deadlines and metrics. That's a non-starter."
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"But how are you going to finish the book on time?"

"On time?"
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"Well, yeah. Obviously."

"There's no 'on time' for this project, honey. It'll be finished when it's finished."
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"Yeah, but that's a recipe for stalling out."

"When have you ever seen me stall out on something I committed to?"
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"It doesn't happen. And it won't happen with this. But I'm not doing deadlines or so many words per day or any of that. I'm going to write every day, but some days I'll be inspired and crank out an entire chapter. Other days it might just be a couple of pages."
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"That makes me worried you'll fall off, though."

"Sweetie, it doesn't really matter whether you're worried."
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"But I read somewhere that most books never make it to the end of the first draft. It's my responsibility to make sure that doesn't happen here."

"I appreciate that, but don't worry about it. I did a bunch of reading on author blogs and other things and it's impressed upon me enough that getting to the end of the first draft is the most crucial piece to finishing a book."
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The New Editor, Part 2

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

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"It is?"

"I should fuss at you for not learning that before you barged in here with your Lou Grant impression."
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"Oh my God."

"I know, it's a bad comparison. You certainly don't look like Lou Grant."
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"I thought I'd come in here and be Sexy Bossgirl Amber and you'd be so turned on that I could make you do whatever I want. Now I feel dumb."

"Awww, don't feel dumb. Your Sexy Bossgirl Amber outfit rocks."
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"I mean, these are LITERALLY editor pants."

"I don't understand you."
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"I mean when I bought them like forever ago, that's what they're called. Editor pants."

"Well, OK. They just look like skin-tight black pants that show off that tight little ass of yours to me."
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"OK, anyway..."

"And what's up with those shoes? Are they new?"
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"Kind of. I got these when I got the Birkenstocks you hate so much, and I was afraid you'd hate these, too. Plus you got me those Louboutin knockoffs, and I've been wearing those every time I'd put heels on. But I figured I'd finally give these a maiden voyage."

"Well, all right then."
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"They're Jessica Simpsons! Don't you think they're cute?"

"Uh huh. Are they comfortable?"
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"Ummmmm, sure."

"In other words, nope."
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"I can stand them. Put it that way."

"Well, it's a cute outfit. It's definitely distracting, I'll say that."
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"No! Not distracting! I need 10 pages out of you."

"Why 10 pages?"
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"Because we can't have sex until you crank out 10 new pages of that book."

"Amber, will you stop?"
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The New Editor, Part 3

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

vf_revive-58b3a22b-709f-423c-9f4c-bc5e65e18863_500-SharpenAI-Focus.jpg (333.03 KiB) Viewed 588 times
"Well, it was one of my rules as your editor."

"I'd say that's very Lou Grant of you, except the idea of you, sex and Ed Asner mixed together is making me want to hurl."
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"Well, then I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

"It's simple. I'll finish two or three chapters and then I'll give them to you. In fact, the way I understand it an editor usually doesn't even get the manuscript until the author is done with the first draft."
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"Oh, that's TOTALLY not gonna work for me."

"I would imagine not. You'd nag me to death if I tried to hold you off like that."
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"Oh, I'm a nag, am I? How soon until you'll be done with the first draft?"

"Well, I'm nine chapters down, and it's going to be probably 32 or so by the time I'm done, and I'm killing a chapter every couple days, so...six weeks?"
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"Ugh. Too long!"

"I'm thinking you might not quite have the patience ideal in an editor."
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"Yeah, but what am I gonna do with myself if that's how long it'll take?"

"Amber, you can do whatever you want. You can make yourself the Zillow Queen and find us a great house to live in..."
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"Right. Out in the country with the poison ivy and the spiders."

"Awww, poor baby. Or, and here's an idea..."
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"I'm all ears."

"Well, all of the research I did before I started writing this book told me that it's no longer a worthwhile idea to try to get a publisher. Most books sold in America now are self-published."
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"OK, and?"

"So the real issue is finding an audience for the book and effectively marketing it to them."
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"You want to make that my job?"

"Well, what you could do is work on finding a good marketing strategy for the book. How to get it reviewed, build a digital ad campaign, social media promotion, the whole thing."
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"Oh, I don't know if I can do that."

"Amber, in that outfit I'm pretty confident you can do damn near anything you set your mind on."
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"Oh, you're pretty smooth. How many pages have you written?"

"I think the answer you're looking for is...10?"

She gave me a gigantic smile and for the rest of the day I was GREATLY distracted.
Amber's Zelex review thread: viewtopic.php?t=153776

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A Dress With Pockets, Part 1

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

Amber had turned into such a homebody after our hiking trip last weekend that I finally demanded she let me take her out to eat.

I told her we were going to La Cherche, this fancy new French restaurant that had opened up across town.

That seemed to perk up her interest. So she got in the shower. And when she got out...
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"So honey, what time is our reservation?"

"Oh, damn. I haven't made one yet. I knew there was something I forgot, but I'm just in book mode right now. Sorry."
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"It's OK. I'll make us one. I think you should put on those new dark gray pants and that blue pinstripe shirt, don't you?"

"That's a nice 'don't you,' Amber. All you have to do is make a request for what you want me to wear, you know."
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"Yeah, but I like getting validation for my taste in picking out your clothes."

"Yes, dear. I know this."
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"So yeah. That's what you should wear. It'll go really well with your sportcoat. And you can wear that red and blue paisley tie, too."

"I thought I was done wearing ties for the time being."
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"Ties make a man look dominant, honey. I want you to look dominant."

"Is that so? I don't think I've ever heard that before."
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"Well, I read it on the internet, and therefore it has to be true."

"Oh, yeah, right."

But she shooed me away to get dressed. And when I came back...

"Umm, excuse me, but I don't think that's going to satisfy the dress code at the restaurant."
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"Hahaha! Probably not. I don't feel like getting dressed yet."

"No? You're not worried we'll be late?"
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"Why not?"
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"Well, because when certain people forgot to make a reservation, the best certain other people could do to get us a table was 8:30. So we're gonna have a late dinner tonight."

"Ohhh, OK."
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"But this works out pretty well, actually, because I get to see you all dressed up and sexy-looking before I put anything on."

"Are you telling me you like me better dressed up than not dressed at all?"
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"Don't take that the wrong way, honey. A man always looks better dressed up than naked. That's only sometimes true for a woman."

"Is this where I'm supposed to chime in and say that you're an example of that?"
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"You're off the hook. I look good either way."

"Oh, I agree. I think it's the humility that does it."
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A Dress With Pockets, Part 2

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

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"Hahaha! So you can just stand there for a while and I'll ogle you while I watch this show."

"I don't think I'm comfortable being a sex object for you, Amber."
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"Oh no? You're pretty happy for me to do that for you, though."

"Yeah, and you like it too."
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"Are you saying you're too delicate for me to gawk at you and think naughty thoughts?"

"I don't think I'm saying that, but it might result in me getting undressed real fast."
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"No. You can't. You got dressed, you have to stay dressed."

"Oh, are those the rules?"

She nodded.
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"I'm digging this. I don't get to ogle you enough."

"I'm not sure I'm very ogle-worthy. You're the ogle-worthy one around here."
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"Aww, don't sell yourself short."

"OK, would you get up and get dressed? If we can't get dinner until 8:30 let's at least go grab a drink somewhere."
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"Oh, all right. But I'm gonna make you leave."

"What? I don't get to ogle you while you get dressed?"
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"Ummm, no! Tonight is MY night for ogling. You have to go downstairs."

But I didn't go downstairs. Instead I decided I'd peek at her while she got dressed.
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"I know you're there, you know. You aren't fooling anybody."

"Well, I have a right to be in the hallway."
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"Yeah, and I have a right to a little privacy!"

"Oh, please. You were laying naked and still wet from the shower on the bed like five minutes ago. Privacy. Give me a break!"
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"I'd have you fasten my bra for me, but I'm wearing a tube bra. So you don't have much use to me right now."

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"You could go and mix me a drink, you know."

"Yeah, but the last time I did that you took so long to get ready that all your ice melted."

She rolled her eyes at me and shut the door.
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A Dress With Pockets, Part 3

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

Finally, Amber came down the stairs.

"Hey, that's a really cute dress!"
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"Do you like it? It has pockets!"

"Oh, nice."
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And then she put her hands in them to show me.

"Good Lord."
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"You just brought a classic meme to life."
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"I did? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Never mind. Can we go?"

She smiled and nodded.

Later, we made it to La Cherche. Amber had already knocked down a couple of Cosmopolitans and I could tell she was feeling it.
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"Oh, no. Baby, I'm underdressed!"

"No you're not. You're just colorful, that's all. These women are all wearing black, like it's a funeral."
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"Because black is dressy. You shoulda made me wear my black wrap dress!"

"Amber, you insisted on picking out MY clothes. I'm not responsible for what you're wearing. Besides, like I said, you look cute."
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"OK. But honey?"

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"The next time we come here, I'm gonna wear my black dress."

"Does it have pockets?"
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"No! You're right. Baby, will you buy me a black dress with pockets?"

"I think we're going to get you a Coke or some coffee to drink."
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"Nuh-uh. I'm gonna be Tipsy Amber tonight. And then I'm gonna have my way with you."

"It seems like you're already there."
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"But you can feed me, though. Can we get oysters? They're aphrodisiacs, you know."

"So I hear."
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"I can't wait for you to take me home and jump my bones."

"Might be sooner rather than later. You think you can hold it together through dinner?"

She just gave me a goofy smile. And she managed to make it through dinner.

But then she fell asleep in the car on the way home, so those oysters were wasted.

Oh, well. She did look cute in that dress with pockets, though.
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Re: The New Adventures of Amber!

Post by koaplayer1998 »

Amber must be in the running for the factory-gal to have the most clothes on TDF! :D
"If you allow those who value or worship money and power over truth to control you, then you become part of the problem."

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Re: The New Adventures of Amber!

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

koaplayer1998 wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 9:20 pm Amber must be in the running for the factory-gal to have the most clothes on TDF! :D
I would think so.

But she wears all this gear well, so I don't mind.
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The Influencer, Part 1

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

When I told Amber that if she wanted to fill her time waiting for me to send her pages of my novel to read and edit, she should work on a marketing plan for the book, I figured it would be something she would sink her teeth into.

What I didn't figure was that she would immediately attempt to build an empire.
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"OK, honey, I'm leaving. But I have some stuff to tell you."

"You're leaving? Where are you going?"
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"Oscar, I already told you. Today's the day that Katie finally pinned me down to go shopping with her again for little Amy."

"Oh, right. I'm kinda surprised you agreed to go with her after that last episode."
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"The last episode wasn't as bad as I advertised it. Just got a little snippy with her lectures, is all. Besides, Katie is my sister, and as much as she drives me insane I can't cut her off. You know that."

"Yeah, I get it. So what is it this time? Shoes, or toys?"
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"Bedding and wall decorations."

"Y'all didn't already take care of that?"
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"I thought we did, but apparently it wasn't satisfactory."

"Katie got finicky?"
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"No, actually, this was Craig. He threw a fit over the fact that we did the bedroom in a pastel blue."

"Well, he's got a little girl, not a little boy."
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"Oh, but the walls in that room were blue. So we got blue things that were as girly as we could find. And he proceeded to tell Katie that it was all wrong. So he had the walls painted over the weekend and now we redecorate."

"Well, it's an extra shopping trip. I think you can handle it."
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"OK, well, don't get so wrapped up in writing the book that you can't take some time out. You have an appointment at 1:30."

"I do? Where?"
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"Here. I found you a social media influencer who can build up an online presence for you as an author."

"Aw, man, really? A social media influencer? Is that an actual thing?"
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"What it's more like is a kid right out of college who's all over TikTok and Instagram and who is already selling everything under the sun. I'm told she's the best in town at this."

"Yeah, but..."
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"Honey, her name is Lexie. She's going to be here at 1:30, so put on a real shirt and a pair of long pants before then, please?"

"Fine. OK."
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"And eat something for lunch so you're not hangry and grumpy when she shows up, all right?"

"Yes, dear."
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Oscar DeBarataria
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The Influencer, Part 2

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

So a little after lunch the doorbell rang. I brought the kid on the other side of the door upstairs to the office.
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"First of all, Mr. DeBarataria..."

"Please. You'll hurt yourself trying to say that all the time. Oscar is fine."
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"OK, great! Well, anyway, Amber has told me a little about the book you're writing and it totally seems like an exciting project. I can't wait to read it!"

"I can send you some chapters if you want, but I'd really like to try to get the first draft done before I share it around too much."
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"That's really OK. But I think it's cool that you did the boring work thing and made your money and now you're chasing your passion!"

"I don't know if it's my passion. It's a project. I told myself I'd write a novel, so now that I have a chance to do it I'm doing it. If it goes anywhere and people like it, then being an author probably does become a passion."
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"Ummmm, well, I still think it's cool."

"Sorry. I'm talking too much. Have a seat, will you?"

So she did.
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"And what I really think is cool is the subject matter of your book. It's a feminist book about girls taking over the world?"

"Kinda. A little, I guess."
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"I mean, it's so great that a guy like you is, like, wanting to smash the patriarchy."

"What's a guy like me? And, ehhh, Amber's description might be a...little off."
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"I mean, just, y'know, like, a manly guy. Why? What's the book about?"

"Well, it's about a corporation that turns guys into chicks and sells them."
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"Yeah, but that's awesome."

"It's sort of a horror book, Lexie."
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"Oh, like, I don't care."

"And the corporation is evil. Psychotic evil."
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"Yeah, but, y'know, you're raising awareness. And that's really good."

"Did Amber present this to you like it's some sort of a political statement on my part? I have a feeling that your politics and mine might not be the same."
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"What, like you're a Trumper?"

"Let's just say that I'm not a feminist."
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"Oh. Well, like, so you'll know...I am."

"I'm sort of sensing that."
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The Influencer, Part 3

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

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"I mean, I choose the bear."

"Wait, what?"
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"If I'm hiking alone in the woods and I can either run into a strange man or a bear, I'd rather it be a bear."

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"You haven't heard of hashtag I choose the bear?"

"No. But why would you choose a wild apex predator that will maim you and eat you over the course of hours or days?"
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"Because I know what the bear is. And I know what he will and won't do."

"How old are you?"
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"I'm 23. Why?"

"I think my head hurts. Maybe we should talk about what you came up here for."
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"Oh, right. So, anyway, what I'm thinking is that we need to start building a presence on socials for you, and we'll turn that into an audience for the book. When's it coming out?"

"Well, I'll be done with the first draft in a month or so, and then maybe in another month we'll publish it."
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"Right. So what kind of social media presence do you have now?"

"Not much. I'm on Facebook."
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"Oh my God. Not even X? What about Insta?"

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"OK, so, I'm starting from scratch."

"Yeah, pretty much. With a fan of the patriarchy you think is toxic."
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"Oh my God! I never said that!"

"OK, fine. Look, Amber is the one who's going to be in charge of all the marketing part of the book. I'm the one in charge of writing it. But she's really going to be your contact on this."
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"I just want to say, I really want this job. Will you hire me?"

"I don't know that we're ready for a social media consultant yet, but when the time comes? Sure. Why are you so interested in this project?"
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"Honestly? Because I need all the clients I can get. My daddy just cut me off. He and my stepmom say I'm making questionable life choices."

That made me think it was a mistake to shake Lexie's hand. But I did it anyway. Assuming she wasn't any good at social media, which was my assumption, if nothing else, she'd at least be fun to look at when we had meetings about promotions.

How long Amber would put up with that, I didn't know.
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Re: The New Adventures of Amber!

Post by 4891d »

Your feminist 'I choose the bear' social media influencer is very pretty :) ! Oops! 8O Did I say something inappropriate? :?

Links to 4891d's dolls-stories. : viewtopic.php?t=156068
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Eurydice, a nice surprise (Elsa Babe RHC019)

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Re: The New Adventures of Amber!

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

4891d wrote: Tue May 07, 2024 1:47 am
Your feminist 'I choose the bear' social media influencer is very pretty :) ! Oops! 8O Did I say something inappropriate? :?

She's 23.

She has a lot to learn.

Let's hope she doesn't try to teach Amber anything.
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Oscar DeBarataria
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Re: The New Adventures of Amber!

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

Oscar DeBarataria wrote: Tue May 07, 2024 1:58 am
4891d wrote: Tue May 07, 2024 1:47 am
Your feminist 'I choose the bear' social media influencer is very pretty :) ! Oops! 8O Did I say something inappropriate? :?

She's 23.

She has a lot to learn.

Let's hope she doesn't try to teach Amber anything.
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"Oh, like you don't want me to be influenced by the influencer? Hahaha!"

"Yeah, Amber, that's pretty much it."
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"OK, but admit it. That was funny."

"What was?"
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