
Wolka: somewhere in the Arctic

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Wolka: somewhere in the Arctic

Post by 4891d »

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This story is about Wolka, a beautiful 6YE doll who lives with Dominico.

Here are the links to her threads:
This is Wolka Von K, a polish-chinese 6YE ready to kick ass! : viewtopic.php?t=147337
Wolka and Amy's Journey to the Homeland : viewtopic.php?t=147565

Wolka has a strong personality. Maybe several personalities. Which makes the translation into English not easy because her story is actually two stories nested within each other, each reflecting one of Wolka's facets. Many thanks to Shadowplay2 whose help was very precious and with whom I had exciting discussions to consider how to transcribe in English this interlocking of personalities and stories.

The readers who are very attentive to the syntax will notice that at the beginning the quotation marks are reversed compared to the usual usage; this seemed to me the best choice to interweave the different facets of the story one into the other.

Like all my stories, this one is entirely the portrait of a doll; since Wolka's personality is active and adventurous, her portrait is an action story.
Links to 4891d's dolls-stories. : viewtopic.php?t=156068
Saaskiya, my beautiful gift (Zelex GE04) : viewtopic.php?t=154462
Trixie came to me (Funwest Dolls Trixie) : viewtopic.php?t=155900
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Re: Wolka: somewhere in the Arctic

Post by 4891d »

4891d wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 10:49 am
Dominico wrote:
4891d wrote:I love this innocent look.
Well, that innocent look of a yakuza (flower jacket) and a gang leader (bat). 8O
Nothing that can't be fixed over a good beer. :)
Yeahh you got it! give her a beer and you'll have a story to tell from then on for sure.
Hey, she's an interesting girl, Wolka. So... This story, of course, it deserves to be told.

- "Hey, Frenchie!
- Yes?
- Buy me a beer?"

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Wolka: somewhere in the Arctic

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It was in March, I think. Yes, that's right, towards the end of March. There were still patches of snow on the shady slopes but otherwise the ground was already clear. The streams were no longer frozen over and it became difficult to cross them. But at night, of course… At night it was still freezing cold and my beard was covered with frost.

- "Yeah! That's it!" Those scratches on that trunk! Some older, some fresher. It comes back frequently around here. Quite often, actually. I was sure of it!”
Finally I had arrived in the heart of its territory.
Ten days I was tracking this bear! A clever one! A male, who moved around a lot and didn't leave many tracks. Ten days spent at ground level, without ever making a fire, nor eating anything more than than ship's biscuits, hard as rock. Rubbing myself every morning with small animal droppings to mask my smell... -“This one I'll get to sooner or later!”

A little break. I adjust my camouflage, check my pack to make nothing protrudes that could catch a larch or birch branch. I check the rifle too. Perfectly greased; the parts slide without noise. Everything works. Well, that’s good because I better be ready for whatever this bear has in store for me.
There! On the slightly soft earth between the fallen needles: the trace of a finger. Barely visible but I place my own finger on it and feel the hollow, with the imperceptible tip of the claw. He left in this direction.... I meander between the larches, being careful to put my feet on the moss patches or on the soft carpets of larch needles that fell last autumn. Do not accidentally step on a branch!
The sun starts to appear above the larches, its rays are like brushes that paint small lighter spots in the forest. One can see a little better, just enough. The low-angled light underlines the slightest hollow. Just the right light to discern the tracks. They lead me to a clearing, very small, barely a gap where hunters have built a log cabin to shelter and keep warm during the season. No windows, just a small log cube with a sloping roof from which the metal chimney pipe protrudes. The pile of firewood is sheltered under a rusty sheet near the door. The door is open. A furtive movement in the darkness of the cabin: The bear? I crouch under the cover of a spruce bush, and wait without moving. It takes his time, this bear! But It will come out to feed.

It's a girl who comes out, after a while. A white girl, with very light skin. She has hair of a strange color, a kind of very pale green, with reflections like those of puddles that have frozen over the lichens. Never seen that before, on a girl. I don't move. She hasn't spotted me. She is shirtless and washes herself with water from a basin she must have found in the cabin, using a piece of rag to dry her skin. Quite a beautiful girl! With firm little breasts that point out a bit, just the way I like them. Where is her man? She looks all alone. That' s not so safe for her. Not all men are like me; I know many who wouldn't respect her, left alone in a cabin deep in the woods! She looks like she's finished her grooming now. Anyway she's kept her army pants and shoes on, and she's going into the cabin.

It's time for me to slip away because if she comes out and sees me she'll talk to me or even scream and it will be heard from hundreds of yards away. I hope she didn't disturb the bear and that it is still around. I'll go around the undergrowth and try to find the track.
While swiveling slowly, at ground level and under the shelter of the bushes, I say to myself : - "It's strange anyway, this girl, why didn't she light the stove to warm up the cabin ? There is plenty of dry wood!”
Then I understand: - she is waiting for someone! And I wouldn't like to be the guy she's waiting for, because, I mean, why would she have waited all night without making a fire? In Siberia! It must be freezing in there! Why, if it wasn't to prepare a bad surprise for this guy she's waiting for?
And now I have to start all over! The bear had to turn back to go around the clearing. So I have to find this damn track again! I scan the ground in search of the slightest trace of it. But the ground to be searched is vast, and it could take hours, if I’m lucky! I am careful not to make any noise, because the bear may still be around. If it smelled food, it'll be lurking around the cabin. That said, the girl hadn't put out any food earlier; maybe she knows the forest after all. Maybe the bear is gone.

A strange noise, a little behind. I lay down on the ground and I listen. It sounded like a shock on a big branch. But not like a bear. More like a piece of metal hitting a branch, not very hard. Weird. I listen. Some rubbing, barely audible. A small crack, a twig that broke under the weight of an animal. Quite heavy. I listen. I see it now, moving stealthily through the undergrowth. It is a soldier in camouflage. He moves slowly, bent low to the ground. He is barely four or five meters from me, I hold my breath. He has not spotted me and he passes me without seeing me. Then I see two others, a bit further. They move slowly, in combat formation. Obviously they don't want to be spotted. Another one, on my left now. This one I can't see, but he must be really close; I can hear the slight rustle when his feet land on the clumps of moss. Four soldiers. Maybe five. I've never seen a patrol move so discreetly. They are elite soldiers, for sure. They look well-armed, with small machine guns of a model I don't know; just by looking at them you can tell these are state-of-the-art weapons. They are tracking something. The girl!
Shit! I should warn her! How can I get to the cabin in time? Now, the soldiers are between me and the clearing. It's impossible to get there without them seeing me. Anyway, they are not there by chance; they already know that the girl is in that cabin, otherwise they would not creep up like that. What could she have done, this girl, to make them send an elite patrol to hunt her down? And what are they going to do to her when they capture her?
Well. After all, it's none of my business. I have to think of myself first. In this kind of situation, it's better not to be the witness, otherwise you're not a witness for very long. I'm going to wait here a little longer until the soldiers are busy near the cabin, and then I'm going to sneak out as carefully as I can. Never mind the bear.
It should be the right time now... I start to stand up, very, very slowly. An explosion! I freeze. It came from the cabin, I'm sure. The soldiers must have got the girl, that's for sure. End of story. I'm going to beat a hasty retreat. Because if the soldiers come back this way, it’s more likely they’ll spot me on a second pass.

Three blasts! Strange... They were hurried, jerky shots, as if the shooter hadn't had time to adjust his shot. I wait for the next detonations, or at least a sound. Nothing.
Then suddenly the sound of branches being pushed aside! Someone got up quickly in a bush and started to run. In my direction! I lay face down on the ground. A few hasty strides, then a dull shock. The sound of a fall. Nothing more. Damn, that was close! My face to the ground, I control my breathing. Above all, don't make any noise! Don't get spotted! I hope my camouflage is good enough to hide me completely from the sight of a man...
Little by little, it becomes clearer. The forest comes to life. Birds begin to flutter between the branches. Small animals emerge from their burrows, trotting along their tiny tracks. From time to time they crack a dead leaf, tiny cracking of birch leaves. It is less cold now. I hear nothing but the little animals. Insects pass, then pass again in front of my eyes. How long do I have to stay like this, flattened on the moss? I don't hear anything special. If I don't hear anything special, that means that nobody has left yet.

There it is! A rustle behind me. A twig snapping just a little too loud. Right behind me. Don't move! If I move, I'm dead. The way they were armed, I wouldn't have had time to turn around and I'd already be shot in the head. Just don't move! Maybe they won't see me, like before. If they see me, maybe they won't kill me. Unlikely, but you never know. I hold my breath. I hear breathing, close behind me. Then a sort of gurgling sound and something heavy crashes against my legs. The shock startles me and I look up just a little.
There, right in front of me, a pair of black military shoes. A small size! That's her! It's the girl from the hut.
I raise my head very slowly, I see the legs first, then the thighs molded in the military fatigues. Up top, she has put on a khaki jacket. She is wiping a large knife on a handful of moss that she must have pulled from the ground. The moss is all red. On the back of my knees, where something heavy presses, I feel a warm, slightly viscous liquid soaking my pants.

- "That was the last one," says the girl. She glares at me quietly, I don't know what she's thinking or what she's going to do. She has very light eyes, the color of ice, like her hair, but a little bluer, perhaps. There's a darker circle around the iris, tending toward gray. How can a girl be so terrifying and so cute at the same time? And why am I thinking about stuff like this right now? And how much time do I have left to answer the question?
She crouches in front of me, her knife still in her right hand. She stares at me without blinking, for a long time, as if she wanted to keep a memory of my face. Finally, she plunges her left hand in a large pocket of her military jacket, and she takes out a beer bottle. With a sharp blow of her blade, she uncaps it. She puts the bottle in front of me, close to my hand, then she gets up and leaves. The next moment there are only the larches around me. The larch trees and a corpse across my legs, still bleeding.

-"So what did you do after that?
- I drank the beer, of course! I needed it!
- Was it good?
-Yeah, it was really good beer. And cold, too, after spending all night in a cabin with no fire.
- So now it's your turn to buy me a beer! And a cold one too!
- Sure, Wolka, sure. This time the round is on me."

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Re: Wolka: somewhere in the Arctic

Post by Cifer »

Very cool action story and you seemed to catch the personality of Wolka quite well... :thumbs_up:
Lots of suspense on what was going to happen and bit of sexiness too!.
Nice pics to accompany the overall narrative...Great job!

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Re: Wolka: somewhere in the Arctic

Post by Photo_guy »

I'm in... 8O
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Re: Wolka: somewhere in the Arctic

Post by 4891d »

Cifer wrote: Tue Apr 26, 2022 9:51 am Very cool action story and you seemed to catch the personality of Wolka quite well... :thumbs_up:
Lots of suspense on what was going to happen and bit of sexiness too!.
Nice pics to accompany the overall narrative...Great job!
Hi Cifer,
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I'm glad you liked the story.
I had fun writing this action story in which the narrator sees none of the action.
Glad you liked Dominico's photos too. It was when I saw them in Wolka's threads that this story came to mind. I wanted to "stage" the exciting girl they revealed.
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Saaskiya, my beautiful gift (Zelex GE04) : viewtopic.php?t=154462
Trixie came to me (Funwest Dolls Trixie) : viewtopic.php?t=155900
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Re: Wolka: somewhere in the Arctic

Post by 4891d »

Photo_guy wrote: Tue Apr 26, 2022 10:41 am I'm in... 8O
Hi Photo_guy,

This is the effect Wolka is doing. This girl is a real whirlwind. :turn-l: :smilecolros: :turn-l:
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Re: Wolka: somewhere in the Arctic

Post by YungSynth »

Kickass! I hope you make this one into a series if you have the time.. there's even more mystery around her now and I'm on the edge of my seat here haha

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Re: Wolka: somewhere in the Arctic

Post by 4891d »

YungSynth wrote: Tue Apr 26, 2022 3:44 pm Kickass! I hope you make this one into a series if you have the time.. there's even more mystery around her now and I'm on the edge of my seat here haha
Hehe YS, for someone who claimed (Where? I can't find it anymore > "YungSynth: somewhere in the labyrinth of his threads") that he hadn't read a book, I have the impression that you have almost read my complete works! :wink:
Glad you like Wolka's story. :) Wolka is mysterious, that's true: I can attest that Shadowplay2 went to great lengths to help me translate in English the interweaving of the story into the story, i.e. the interweaving of Wolka's personalities.
I too wonder what new facets of her personality Wolka will reveal in Dominico's future pictures.
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Re: Wolka: somewhere in the Arctic

Post by Jennyth1988 »

Wolka is very pretty and you can see a lot of work went into these photos!
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Re: Wolka: somewhere in the Arctic

Post by 4891d »

For sure, Wolka is pretty. And with a lot of personality.

Dominico has been very busy lately, but I hope he'll have more time soon to post new pictures of Wolka. I too will be happy to see this lively girl again, and why not have a beer with her again. A nice cold beer! :glou:
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Re: Wolka: somewhere in the Arctic

Post by Pabugs »

This is an extraordinary image!! 💥💥
WUOOW! 😲👀💋🌹🌹

Snow is Magnificent!! ❄️❄️❄️

What a beautiful face! 😎👌

Amazing styling~~ 💎💎💎💋💋💋🥰🥰🥰

Well played sir!🙏

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Re: Wolka: somewhere in the Arctic

Post by 4891d »

Pabugs wrote: Tue Jul 05, 2022 5:37 am This is an extraordinary image!! 💥💥
WUOOW! 😲👀💋🌹🌹
Hi Pabugs,

Wolka has the head that 6YE calls Hermina.

I placed the link to her thread in my first post, before the story.
Her thread contains many other pictures. I have selected here only a few photos that inspired me to write Wolka's story.
In his signature, Dominico also has a link to the review he made (very interesting and with a lot of pictures).
All the pictures of Wolka are from Dominico. He created a very endearing personality for his beautiful doll. :)
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Saaskiya, my beautiful gift (Zelex GE04) : viewtopic.php?t=154462
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Re: Wolka: somewhere in the Arctic

Post by Leaf85 »

You have some amazingly lovely girls. Will there be more story? I'm hooked. ^.^
Kind regards, :)

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Re: Wolka: somewhere in the Arctic

Post by 4891d »

Leaf85 wrote: Tue Jul 05, 2022 10:58 am You have some amazingly lovely girls. Will there be more story? I'm hooked. ^.^
Actually, Wolka, Natalya, Amanda, Carmen, Yvonne and Olivia are not my girls, but girls I discovered in their threads and wanted to write stories about.
My two girls are Saaskiya and Trixie (I sent a story about how they met to Funwest Doll, which is what brought Trixie to my house).
I am writing Saaskiya's story (well... the beginning). I think I'll post it in her thread when it's ready.
Links to 4891d's dolls-stories. : viewtopic.php?t=156068
Saaskiya, my beautiful gift (Zelex GE04) : viewtopic.php?t=154462
Trixie came to me (Funwest Dolls Trixie) : viewtopic.php?t=155900
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Re: Wolka: somewhere in the Arctic

Post by Leaf85 »

4891d wrote: Tue Jul 05, 2022 11:36 am
Leaf85 wrote: Tue Jul 05, 2022 10:58 am You have some amazingly lovely girls. Will there be more story? I'm hooked. ^.^
Actually, Wolka, Natalya, Amanda, Carmen, Yvonne and Olivia are not my girls, but girls I discovered in their threads and wanted to write stories about.
My two girls are Saaskiya and Trixie (I sent a story about how they met to Funwest Doll, which is what brought Trixie to my house).
I am writing Saaskiya's story (well... the beginning). I think I'll post it in her thread when it's ready.
Sorry, let me rephrase that to "You have some amazingly lovely muses." 8) :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:
Kind regards, :)

Idol Crew:
Nagisa (159cm Starpery TPE Zhu Lin)- No.1
Nagisa's Gravure Photobooks viewtopic.php?t=153780
Rinko (158cm Sanhui silicone Toshiko)- too lazy, photos in Na-chan's thread
Chidori (151cm Starpery silicone Rong)- banger chic.
Rikka (162cm E-cup Sino silicone Linyin)- ready, coming home soon

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