Hey! I'm new! PS: Any other 25 yr olds (Dutchies) around?

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Hey! I'm new! PS: Any other 25 yr olds (Dutchies) around?

Post by Amber9001 »

Hey everyone,

I've been visiting the forum for a few years now, mostly admiring posted pictures of beautiful dolls and learning useful tips for maintenance and care. After recently getting a Wm 174cm G for myself and being over the moon, I thought it was time to become a member and join the fun community that is TDF.

Maybe it's interesting for some of you if I tell you a bit more about myself. I'm hoping to maybe make some Dutch friends with similar interest, so why not?!

I've been a long time admirer of dolls. I think I played with my sisters barbies way more often than she did. I found brushing their hair quite relaxing (still do) and enjoyed dressing them up in (self-sewn) clothes. My first contact with sexdolls was when my parents watched a documentary about a Japanese man who owned a lot of sexdolls. I think I was 12 at the time and, even though it was past my bedtime, I sneakily watched the documentary from the stairs through the living room door window. I was fascinated by the calm beauty radiating from the dolls.

After that encounter I often fantasized about sexdolls and what it would be like to have one. With the help of the internet I quickly found out about the existence of Realdoll and TPE/ silicone dolls and that there is a lot of adult content on the internet revolving around them. At the end of highschool, I had a phase where I had a bunch of my own barbies which I designed fantasy armor for. It looked nice I think (will post a pic at some point somewhere), but the family had a hard time keeping a straight face when they found out about my hobby. Especially my dad couldn't grasp it. Luckily after some initial jokes were made about it no one bothered anymore.

So after highschool, I spent a few years dreaming of sexdolls and being quite confused if liking sexdolls was a bad thing or not. When I at some point casuallly brought the topic of men and sexdolls up, my mom commented 'men who have dolls are kinda weak'. That remark was really not helpful and haunted me for a while. Especially when in my 20's I started getting into relationships with women, I wondered if it was okay to also be attracted by dolls. In my confusion and after breaking up with my first love, I became increasingly more bold, at some point even visiting a nearby sexdoll shop where doll bodies were hanging on hooks. The feeling of confusion did not resolve however, until my current relationship hit a low point (after half a year partner wanted to explore dating others and I gave consent, while not being 100% on board). While she was exploring some other people, I decided that I should also explore my interest and finally get a doll. I ordered it via, from Adam. It arrived almost unscathed after 4 weeks due to Covid-19 delays. Best damn decision I ever made since it solved my doubt once and for all. I like sexdolls a lot and I'm not afraid to put that out here on an internet forum filled with other doll enthousiasts!

A quick tip for any of you thinking about bringing a doll into your relationship: Don't unpack it together with your partner if they are insecure about the topic or their own physical appearance, and especially not if it's the weekend of your 1 year anniversary. I made those mistakes, which ended up in a really nasty conflict between me and my partner that kinda ruined the mood when we went on our anniversary hotel trip. But now that I think of it, the doll aso arrived right at the time I pulled the leash on my partner dating and being intimate with others, maybe that also caused some tension...
Anyways, luckily I am now no longer ashamed of my interest in dolls and it's kind of working out, my partner can tolerate it. Having Zyra (name of the WM 174cm G, head 370 and 273, also got 372) around is no longer scary for any of us, even if my partner is still a bit insecure.

Maybe another note should be made here for those looking to bring a doll into their own relationship: At the start I boxed the doll away and we called it 'the thing', now I just put a cloth over it and we call it 'the ghost'. I think it helps if you yourself are not too awkward about the topic and don't give it too much attention. You definitely don't want to put it in your partners face like I did on the arrival day (unless ofc. they are really interested). So, boxing it away or tossing a cloth over your doll before your partner comes to your place and giving your partner all your attention are definitely a good move.
Also I don't have intercourse with my doll, just sometimes poke the breast or squeeze the butt, or steal a kiss, run a finger through the hair etc. If you think that not having sex with sexdoll probably helps your partner to be more comfortable, you are probably right in most cases. In my case it ironically did scare my partner, because I don't just see it as a sexdoll, to me Zyra holds more potential. I like having her uncovered and feeling her presence, I like dressing/posing her and doing photography, I want to design cosplay for her. Basically Zyra is a beautiful piece of art in my eyes and I'll take good care of her. Likely the personal touch and carefullness (I cant afford broken finger wires if I use her for posing) are what make my gf uncomfortable.

So anyways, that's my story till now. I'm happy to be joining the doll forum and to be posting pictures of Zyra or art of other sexdolls in the future once my limits as a new member are lifted.

PS: if any other guys or girls around age 25 (Dutch or not) are around and interested in chatting a bit about sexdolls, be sure to send me a pm. I'll be sure to reply once the restrictions are lifted. ;)


Amber9001 (male btw)

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