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Re: I went and did something stupid. (Got myself a 161-J)

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 2:25 pm
by Nevaeh1
I too recently recieved my 161 j cup a few days ago. Omg she is heavy af @ a whopping 130lbs already she fell down but I was able to catch her mid fall. No injuries sustained.

After moving her around a bit I would say the most delicate areas of her skeleton would be her lower back, shoulder sockets and feet joints.

I was afraid her boobs might bust as it’s gel and she fell front forward luckily I caught her mid fall.

Cons her lhp is phenomenal on her back and laying down it’s Very visually appealing. She’s Boxed back up currently and I did put her in white hightops shoes as to keep her feet safe.

Picking her up off the ground was a task. I work out so I’m no weakling but it was still cumbersome as to not break her arms limbs or joints.

She’ll probably only be brought out once in a great while seeing as my 170 Mcup is only 90 lbs and I have a S cup breastplate that I put on her majority of the time.

Re: I went and did something stupid. (Got myself a 161-J)

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 4:15 pm
by MashiMaron
You can try use something like this. It’s waterproof so if she need to be cleaned you can move her in a chair like this. This kind of thing sorry don’t know what it called is used in care house for older people. Only thing is don’t know if your doll will fit in and also maybe sharp corners or anything that can damage your doll.

Re: I went and did something stupid. (Got myself a 161-J)

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 12:06 am
by Ungovernable1
I love the dark parts!!! My next doll will have that for sure!!! Nice