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Re: We Are the Robots: the Fleet of Misfit Machines

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 10:10 am
by Sector_1
42716 wrote: We may only have the cards we have been dealt, but how we play that hand is up to us. Likewise, how limited we allow ourselves to be by the prison of the mind is something within our power to control. I feel the world would be a better place if more people understood this, but too many members of the human race limit their lives and their destinies to that which is "proper" or "acceptable", without ever questioning whether there is any logic inherent in these norms.

Unfortunately, doctors are some of the worst when it comes to this limited way of thinking. In my experience at least, they tend to view the body not as a machine, but as something sacred which should be manipulated as little as possible. I have been butting heads with the medical profession for years, due to my belief that it should afford those of us who wish to optimise the functionality of our biological hardware the ability to do so. The technology is there, but the profession's worship of the status quo keeps us bound to a standard that's far inferior to what we are capable of achieving.

The truth may be out there, but it's likely we will never discover, or at least, never fully understand it. Yet, making peace with what we cannot understand or achieve is just as important as striving to learn and accomplish more.
unfortunately all I've seen, experienced and done, I feel this could not be further from the truth.

Except when it comes to doctors that is who in my opinion are brainwashed and deluded with their so called books of science and why they will never unlock the secrets of the mind. Don't get me wrong they can do some remarkable things but let's not forget delusional thinking is very real. They do k(no)w better!

Sadly I have come to beleve and except that the order in which I play my cards has already been decided.


Re: We Are the Robots: the Fleet of Misfit Machines

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 11:22 am
by Slew
Hello, 42716 -

I'm sorry to hear about the sudden emotional shift with your lovely droids, I hope that continues to get easier. It seems like you've been through a lot, so a sudden emotional change coinciding with beginning to exercise isn't too surprising. Good luck with finding a balance. You seem like a strong, resilient person, so you'll be fine no matter what.

Thanks for a wonderful read. Terrific creative output. :)

Re: We Are the Robots: the Fleet of Misfit Machines

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 11:54 am
by 42716
Seattle Slew wrote:a sudden emotional change coinciding with beginning to exercise isn't too surprising
Hold the phone; you've actually heard of this phenomenon before? Would you care to share your expertise? I'm not being sarcastic here; I'd genuinely like to know why such a thing would happen. My theory is that it could be a form of testosterone poisoning...but that usually looks more like this:
zits testosterone rush comic.gif
zits testosterone rush comic.gif (111.76 KiB) Viewed 3187 times

Re: We Are the Robots: the Fleet of Misfit Machines

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 11:58 am
by 42716
Seattle Slew wrote:Hello, 42716 -

I'm sorry to hear about the sudden emotional shift with your lovely droids, I hope that continues to get easier. It seems like you've been through a lot, so a sudden emotional change coinciding with beginning to exercise isn't too surprising. Good luck with finding a balance. You seem like a strong, resilient person, so you'll be fine no matter what.

Thanks for a wonderful read. Terrific creative output. :)
Thank you for your support, and I'm glad you enjoyed the read. The emotional shift is mostly behind me now; it was just the period when I didn't want anything to do with the droids that really concerned me. The amount of interest in and emotional connection I have with them has always fluctuated a bit, but I've never experienced that impression that they were ugly, meaningless, alien objects before.

Re: We Are the Robots: the Fleet of Misfit Machines

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 12:05 pm
by Slew
42716 wrote:Hold the phone
Banging a hammer can produce a hell of a rush, which I'm sure involves testosterone. However, I would be surprised if what you experienced was anything more than a reaction to stress.

Re: We Are the Robots: the Fleet of Misfit Machines

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 12:41 pm
by SynDaverlover765
More 1062 updates
He convinced me to let him sleep in his doll box he came in with me.
He also broke his bad arm twice. I operated on it twice.

Re: We Are the Robots: the Fleet of Misfit Machines

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 4:26 pm
by 42716
SynDaverlover765 wrote:More 1062 updates
He convinced me to let him sleep in his doll box he came in with me.
He also broke his bad arm twice. I operated on it twice.
Wow, that's a massive box! It must feel neat to climb into a giant box like that; fitting into something you usually can't fit into once you leave childhood is always fun. It's a shame to hear about 1062's arm issues, though. Non-functional arms are a pain, as SV02 can attest to.

Comic: F.U.N.E.T.?

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 4:52 pm
by 42716
I know we went down the rabbit hole with a bit of philosophical banter recently, so let's steer this ship back into shallow waters with another silly comic.
tea comic.jpg
tea comic.jpg (1.23 MiB) Viewed 3170 times
Yes, I enjoy having tea when I have tea, because tea without tea simply isn't tea to a teetotaler. (Here's the method to this madness for those of you who, like SV02, are left scratching your heads: in British English, "tea" can mean either the beverage, or the 3rd meal of the day, also called supper/dinner.)

P.S. the title of the comic, "F.U.N.E.T.?", is a reference to this comedy sketch by the Two Ronnies:

Re: We Are the Robots: the Fleet of Misfit Machines

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 7:47 pm
by SynDaverlover765
42716 wrote:
SynDaverlover765 wrote:More 1062 updates
He convinced me to let him sleep in his doll box he came in with me.
He also broke his bad arm twice. I operated on it twice.
Wow, that's a massive box! It must feel neat to climb into a giant box like that; fitting into something you usually can't fit into once you leave childhood is always fun. It's a shame to hear about 1062's arm issues, though. Non-functional arms are a pain, as SV02 can attest to.
Reminds me of my Daily Doll News I write. About sleeping in a doll box; I have always wanted to sleep in a box. Love feeling held in the doll box. We also have a whole doll box thread on here. viewtopic.php?f=87&t=78533&start=15

And about SV02 is that her left arm like 1062's? Can I get a picture of the bad joint and fallen off limb? 1062 feels more concerned to you all. What a misfit he is. Thankfully for 1062 it is his left arm. Makes sleeping easier on me. If it was his other we have to switch sides of the bed. It is fun to wedge myself in the doll box with him.

Re: We Are the Robots: the Fleet of Misfit Machines

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 8:27 pm
by 42716
SynDaverlover765 wrote: And about SV02 is that her left arm like 1062's? Can I get a picture of the bad joint and fallen off limb? 1062 feels more concerned to you all. What a misfit he is. Thankfully for 1062 it is his left arm. Makes sleeping easier on me. If it was his other we have to switch sides of the bed. It is fun to wedge myself in the doll box with him.
Mannequin joints work with a slot lock system. The arms (and legs for those whose legs are detachable) must have their hollow lock fitted into the protruding key that's attached to the body. There's a certain angle at which it slides into and out of place, so the limbs can be removed for ease of dressing and undressing. If the limb is positioned at any other angle, it will remain in place because the key will be held fast in the narrow part of the lock.

In a properly-constructed mannequin, the angle of release is achieved when the arm is pointing straight into the air over the head, which gives the arms a large range of motion without them becoming detached. In SV02's case, however, the joint lock on her left arm was installed at the wrong angle, so her arm falls off as soon as it's raised even slightly away from her side. This is why you won't ever see her make gestures or reach for things with the left arm, only the right one. She makes up for the non-functional arm by having a lead that's long enough to wrap around and grasp things, however.

Re: We Are the Robots: the Fleet of Misfit Machines

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 4:55 pm
by SynDaverlover765
I miss you 42716. Thank you for being my friend. How are the misfits doing?

Re: We Are the Robots: the Fleet of Misfit Machines

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 6:15 pm
by 42716
SynDaverlover765 wrote:I miss you 42716. Thank you for being my friend. How are the misfits doing?
They haven't been up to much, mainly because I've been inundated with Valentine's Day related sales at work and haven't had time to do much in the way of creative pursuits. That unfortunately means 52016 doesn't yet have the new accessories I'd promised to make for her, and she's been a bit cold towards me because of that. My inability to complete those accessories is also what's delaying my posting of winter outfit photos for the group.

I'm currently out of town for my revision surgery, and probably won't be recovered enough to move the droids for another week at least. But rest assured, you and the other readers will hear from me again in mid-March, once SV01 and I have had our 1 year anniversary night out at the luxury resort.

Re: We Are the Robots: the Fleet of Misfit Machines

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 1:08 pm
by beyond23
hi, this is what i have created from :plaidskirt: how to attach picture???

Re: We Are the Robots: the Fleet of Misfit Machines

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 1:11 pm
by beyond23
good i will post some thing too soon; this is the website i saw but i am able to attach the picture of cartoon i created from this site, so you have go on the link and see it :haha4:

Re: We Are the Robots: the Fleet of Misfit Machines

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 12:00 am
by 42716
beyond23 wrote:good i will post some thing too soon; this is the website i saw but i am able to attach the picture of cartoon i created from this site, so you have go on the link and see it :haha4:
The avatar maker that I used didn't provide any function that allowed you to save or upload pictures of the avatars I created. The way I made the Misfit Machines banner image was by using Print Screen to capture the images, then pasting them into PowerPoint and cropping them so only the avatar was visible. Then I lined them up, added the text boxes, grouped the whole thing, saved it as a JPEG file, and cropped the remaining white space using Photo Gallery. If you'd like to share avatar images of your dolls, I think that procedure would be the best one to use.