My Pop Art Technique

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My Pop Art Technique

Post by b-man »

I got a request from GFELube to do a tut on the pop art conversions, so here goes nothin' :whistle: . First off, get comfortable, it's a long one. Also, before you attempt this one, learn how to use the pen tool in photoshop. It will frustrate the hell out of you at first, (it drove me nuts learning it fer shur), but there are tutorials out there that'll help. That aside, here we go :roll:
First, I started with this photo of Starr88's Kaylani, cropped to 1440X1800 px, and 160dpi:
Pop Art Tut01.jpg
Pop Art Tut01.jpg (389.44 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Then I went to File>New, and created a new document of the same size, and filled it with white
Pop Art Tut02.jpg
Pop Art Tut02.jpg (392.8 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
I then dragged the original image into the new document
Pop Art Tut03.jpg
Pop Art Tut03.jpg (377.18 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Next, using the dreaded pen tool, I made a path around the doll that I wanted in the image, not following the details too closely, once I closed the loop, I pressed Ctrl/Enter to convert the path into a selection: Then press Ctrl/Shift/I to invert the selection and press delete to cut the background out.
Pop Art Tut04.jpg
Pop Art Tut04.jpg (399 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
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Press Ctrl/E to merge the layers, then double click the background layer, click OK and it becomes Layer0, Ctrl/Click the new layer icon at the bottom of the layers pallette, and fill the new layer that is created below layer 0 with white.
Pop Art Tut06.jpg
Pop Art Tut06.jpg (322.04 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Go to Filter>Blur>Surface Blur, set the radius to 15, the threshold to 10, click ok. Go to Filter>Sketch>Photocopy, I used a setting of 4 for the detail, (this will vary depending on the image) and set the darkness to maximum, (50)
Pop Art Tut07.jpg
Pop Art Tut07.jpg (260.14 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Now, we have too much detail in the hair, and some unwanted noise and lines in the line art, so we grab the eraser tool, Keyboard shortcut E, and begin to erase the ones we don't think we need, (remember, We're trying to make it look like a drawing).
Pop Art Tut08.jpg
Pop Art Tut08.jpg (271.8 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Once you're happy with the line art, press Ctrl/E to merge the layers, and copy it over to the original photo: Set the layer's opacity to around 50%, select the brush tool (B), and open the brush preset panel by clicking on the icon shown here:Set the brush size to 6px, the angle to -128, and the roundness to 20%
Pop Art Tut09.jpg
Pop Art Tut09.jpg (410.09 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Next, click on the shape dynamics tab and set the control to pen pressure and minimum diameter to 1
Pop Art Tut10.jpg
Pop Art Tut10.jpg (397.83 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Now, we grab the pen tool again, and start making paths of the places we want lines to appear, you don't want the paths to be too long, after you make your path, making sure your foreground color is set to black, right click the pen tool on the canvas and select Stroke Path, The tool is set to Brush, and the simulate pressure box is checked. After the path is stroked, right click on the canvas again and select delete path. You can push the opacity of the top layer up from time to time to see how the work is progressing.
Pop Art Tut11.jpg
Pop Art Tut11.jpg (383.8 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Continue this process until you have all the stroked lines you think you need.
Pop Art Tut12.jpg
Pop Art Tut12.jpg (273.08 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Select the background layer, press Ctrl/J to duplicate it, rename this layer, "Dots"
Pop Art Tut13.jpg
Pop Art Tut13.jpg (295.82 KiB) Viewed 8645 times

Select the background layer again and click on the new layer icon, and fill it with a bright blue color:
Pop Art Tut14.jpg
Pop Art Tut14.jpg (280.27 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Select the line art layer, (the topmost), and using the magic wand tool, or the quick selection tool, (Shift/W toggles between them), I used the wand as there were good solid outlines around Kaylani, so it worked well, select the area around the outside of the main subject. Click on the eye icon beside the top layer to hide it, select the "Dots" layer, and press Delete, this will make a cut-out of the layer to the blue background. Press Ctrl/D, to deselect.
Pop Art Tut15.jpg
Pop Art Tut15.jpg (459.82 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Press Ctrl/Shift/U to desaturate the dots layer, (makes it black and white), then go to Image>Adjustments>Threshold, reduce the threshold, (I usually reduce it until the irises of the eyes show through as white a little, experiment til you get what you like), then go to, Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur, and set the radius to 2 pixels
Pop Art Tut16.jpg
Pop Art Tut16.jpg (278.43 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Next, right click the dots layer and select duplicate layer. In the document window, select new:
Pop Art Tut17.jpg
Pop Art Tut17.jpg (291.61 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Working on the new document, go to Image>Mode>Grayscale, click discard when the warning window appears, then go to Image>Mode>Bitmap, make sure the output matches the imput (160 in this case), and set the method to use: halftone screen, Click OK.
Pop Art Tut18.jpg
Pop Art Tut18.jpg (276.54 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Use the settings for the next window as shown below: Click OK
Pop Art Tut19.jpg
Pop Art Tut19.jpg (289.63 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Go to: Image>Mode>Grayscale, Click OK on the window that say's size ratio 1, Go to Image>Mode>RGB Color. Right click the image and select duplicate layer, in the document window, select the original document and click OK, you can now close the new document without saving as you don't need it anymore.
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Pop Art Tut20.jpg (248 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Back in the original document, hold the Alt key and move the cursor over the line between the Background Copy layer and the Dots layer until a double bubble appears, (you'll know it when you see it) and click, this will create a clipping mask. Press Ctrl/E to merge these two layers, press Ctrl/J to create a copy of that layer, rename it "white" and drag it below the dots layer. Press Ctrl/L to bring up the levels dialog window, move the black output level slider, (on the bottom, as shown) all the way to the right so the black slider is hidden behind the white.
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Pop Art Tut21.jpg (262 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
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Pop Art Tut22.jpg (313.39 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Unhide the line art layer, (on top), select it and change it's blend mode to multiply, select the dots layer and also change it to multiply:
Pop Art Tut23.jpg
Pop Art Tut23.jpg (321.85 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Now, we're finally ready to start the coloring process, (toldja it was a long one)
We start by hiding the blue, and white layers, clicking on the background layer, grabbing the color picker tool, (I on the keyboard), and I always start with the lips, (no real reason, you can start wherever you choose), click on the lip color with the eyedropper.
Pop Art Tut24.jpg
Pop Art Tut24.jpg (523.67 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Click the new fill or adjustment layer icon, (circled) and select solid color. The entire canvas is now filled with the lip color, don't worry, we'll fix that. First, hold Alt again, and create another clipping mask between the new adjustment layer and the white layer. Rename the new layer something apt like "lips". Now, grab the paint bucket tool, (it shares space with the gradient tool, you can either right click the gradient icon and select the paint bucket, or you can hold Shift/G to toggle it). Click on the layer's mask, this should set the colors to default, (Black foreground, White Background), With black in the foreground, click anywhere on the canvas to fill the mask with black, this hides the color overlay, (the rule with masks is "black conceals, white reveals").
Pop Art Tut25.jpg
Pop Art Tut25.jpg (376.35 KiB) Viewed 8639 times
Grab a hard round brush (B), and press X, to reverse the colors making white the foreground color and paint the lip area, this will reveal the color overlay in the area you paint to. Use the bracket keys ([ ]), to size the brush up and down to work around the tighter areas avoid bleeding over the lines onto the colors below the one you're working, if you do, just switch you foreground color to black and "erase" the bleed over.
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Pop Art Tut26.jpg (341.37 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Repeat this process for each color, stacking the new overlay layer on top of the previous one until you get all the colors covered
Pop Art Tut27.jpg
Pop Art Tut27.jpg (346.08 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Next, go to the blue layer, we'll put a nice gradient on it. Select two colors, (I used the bright blue foreground, and a dark lavender background, you can use any color you like), Grab the gradient tool, (it shares space with the paint bucket tool), draw a diagonal line from the top left to the bottom right to make a gradient fill.
Pop Art Tut28.jpg
Pop Art Tut28.jpg (372.79 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Press Ctrl/Shift/E to merge all the layers. Press Ctrl/J to make a duplicate of the background layer, press Ctrl/Shift/U to desaturate background copy, select the channel tab in the layers pallette and Ctrl/Click the RGB channel to select the luminosity areas of the layer,
Pop Art Tut29.jpg
Pop Art Tut29.jpg (302.59 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
click the layers tab and click on the new layers icon to create a new blank layer. With the new layer selected, press Ctrl/Shift/I to invert the selection, press D to set the colors to default, press Alt/delete to fill the selection with black, press Ctrl/D to deselect. Drag the middle layer to the trash can icon at the bottom of the layers pallette,
Pop Art Tut30.jpg
Pop Art Tut30.jpg (328.83 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
click on the new layer mask icon at the bottom of the pallette, go to Filters>Pixilate>Halftone. Select a radius of 6, leave the other values at the default settings, click Ok.
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Pop Art Tut31.jpg (373.28 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Set the blend mode of the layer to Soft Light
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Pop Art Tut32.jpg (579.53 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
Press Ctrl/E to merge the layers. Press Ctrl/Alt/I to bring up the image size dialog, and set the size to 800X1000, and we're done
Pop Art Tut Finale.jpg
Pop Art Tut Finale.jpg (856.48 KiB) Viewed 8645 times
A challenge to be sure, hope I didn't leave anything out. Good luck to anyone who wants to try this one, thanks for your patience, Buh Bye for now, B~M 8)
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Re: My Pop Art Technique

Post by cosycottage »

.... and this is why I don't even try to learn Photoshop! :razz:

Good work as ever b-man. :thumbs_up:

Afraid you lost me about halfway through the second post. :oops:
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Re: My Pop Art Technique

Post by Nescio50 »

Great tutorial! I always like to do some photoshopping. And sure, you've learned me some new tricks :D
Thanks for sharing.

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Re: My Pop Art Technique

Post by GFELube »

b-man wrote:I got a request from GFELube to do a tut on the pop art conversions, so here goes nothin' :whistle: ....
Wow, thank you, I was also wondering if you could wash my car. :D

While you're doing that, I'll keep an eye on your dolls for you...

OK, maybe I went a little too far there :|

Anyway, I thank you for this, not only because I get to play around with my dolly's pics, but I am also learning some new photoshop tricks as well. Most other photoshop tutorials on the web have a lot less boobs in them :thumbs_up:

Anyway (again), I seem to have hit a snag, because I somehow got an inverted image when I did the Filter>Sketch>Photocopy step. Not sure how that happened, but I also have no idea how to invert the image back.
TeddyBabeCymona_Flash_09i.jpg (291.09 KiB) Viewed 8603 times

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Re: My Pop Art Technique

Post by b-man »

GFELube wrote:
b-man wrote:I got a request from GFELube to do a tut on the pop art conversions, so here goes nothin' :whistle: ....
Wow, thank you, I was also wondering if you could wash my car. :D

While you're doing that, I'll keep an eye on your dolls for you...

OK, maybe I went a little too far there :|

Anyway, I thank you for this, not only because I get to play around with my dolly's pics, but I am also learning some new photoshop tricks as well. Most other photoshop tutorials on the web have a lot less boobs in them :thumbs_up:

Anyway (again), I seem to have hit a snag, because I somehow got an inverted image when I did the Filter>Sketch>Photocopy step. Not sure how that happened, but I also have no idea how to invert the image back.

The fix for that is real simple GFE, either go to Image>Adjustments>Invert, or simply press Ctrl/I on your keyboard:
TeddyBabeCymona_Flash_09i01.jpg (286.55 KiB) Viewed 8596 times
I'm thinking you were trying to invert the selection, which is Ctrl/Shift/I. I'll check and see if I didn't enter that correctly :oops: . Hope that helps, B~M

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Re: My Pop Art Technique

Post by b-man »

Addendum: When you're dealing with darker hair colors, like the image below, you don't need to remove any of the hair details and add the stroked lines, (unless you see a line you'd like to enhance), as the threshold adjustment will fill all but the highlights in with black. Also, any areas of solid black will not get colored by the overlay masking so you don't need to be too fussy about the edges in these areas.
Pop Chloe01.jpg
Pop Chloe01.jpg (986.1 KiB) Viewed 8578 times
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Re: My Pop Art Technique

Post by kharn »

A great tutorial my friend. There's allot of work that goes into making a tutorial , so I've made this a sticky for future reference for members. :wink:

PhotoShop is an amazing piece of software, but it can take a lifetime to master. I've been using it for 14 years now, and I'm learning new stuff everyday. I know that I'd be lost without it now.

Nice one :D
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Re: My Pop Art Technique

Post by b-man »

Now, if you don't want to go through all the work of erasing the hair details on the lighter hair colors, here's a little short cut that I came up with for that. After you make your cut out, go to Filter>Blur>Surface Blur, set your radius to 20, and your threshold to 15, this will reduce your surface details while keeping the edges sharp. Then, when you go to apply your photocopy filter, reduce the detail down a bit, (I went from 4 down to 3). I then proceeded to copy that to the original image like before, and with it's opacity reduced I added some stroked paths as before to enhance some of the details lost in the surface blur, (in this case, Chloe's exposed breast, aeriola, and nipple), then proceed on to the coloring process. Here's the result:
Pink Perfection01.jpg
Pink Perfection01.jpg (878.86 KiB) Viewed 8546 times
Experimentation is part of the fun with photoshop, (I think), and this work around shaves some time off the process. If there are any questions, I'll do my best to answer them. Enjoy, and let's see some doll art

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Re: My Pop Art Technique

Post by b-man »

Here's a different approach to the light colored hair. Instead of a series of stroked paths, I made some random closed paths with the pen tool, to do that, make your path and bring it back to where it started, when you place the tool on the starting anchor, a small circle will appear indicating the loop is completed. Right click the pen tool on the canvas, instead of picking stroke path, select fill path, set the color to foreground, (black) and the opacity to about 10%. Make several random fills around the hair to simulate light differences. Here's an example using Rojo62's Jamie as she appears in the current "Living Dolls" comic in CoverDoll:
DD01.jpg (812.8 KiB) Viewed 8525 times
You could probably make the enclosures with the lasso tool, but they wouldn't have the smooth curves you get using the pen tool. That's the biggest reason, (IMO anyway), to learn the pen tool for this kind of work. Like I said, it's a difficult tool to master, but once you get a feel for it, it's the way to go. Thanks for your patience, Ciao For Now, B~M 8)
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Re: My Pop Art Technique

Post by b-man »

Woops, I omitted something, When you're painting or erasing the tighter areas of the images, it's helpful to zoom in close to the area you're working on. The best way to do that is to zoom using the scroll wheel on your mouse. First, make sure photoshop is configured to do that by going to Edit>Preferences>General, and making sure Scroll With Mouse Wheel is checked. Also, when you're in close, you can move the image around by holding the space bar on your keyboard down, and clicking on the canvas and moving the mouse. Sorry for the omission, B
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Re: My Pop Art Technique

Post by b-man »

Ok Photoshopies, here's another sample of what can be done:
Pop Art Chloe01.jpg
Pop Art Chloe01.jpg (902.77 KiB) Viewed 8489 times
For this one, I used a technique developed by Melissa Evans to create the line art. Instead of using the photocopy filter, I made each line using the pen tool and changing up the shape dynamics and brush size as I went. It's a bit more complicated, and takes a bit more time. The coloring process is the same as before.
If anyone wants to see the tutorial, here's a link to it: ... o-line-art
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Re: My Pop Art Technique

Post by b-man »

I did one of Rojo's Jamie last night just to see how long it would take, about 35 or 40 minutes, so not too bad 8)
Jamie01.jpg (891.62 KiB) Viewed 8469 times
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Re: My Pop Art Technique

Post by GFELube »

I haven't had the chance lately to work on my attempt above any further, but b-man was kind enough to send me these today:

Image Image

I think I said it about five times in PM already, but "Thank you" again, b-man! :)

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