
WM158A review!

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WM158A review!

Post by zerp40k »

So I decided to take the plunge and my WM Doll 158cm A-cup arrived monday.

Unboxing and initial inspection:
The box was undamaged. Lifting her out of the box was surprisingly difficult and she is pretty heavy. Now I know why people recommend a light doll as the first one. I dread the weight of the WM172D who is on my list

The plastic face masks for the two heads were not put on properly. My 159 head now has a nasty deformation between the eyebrows, which the vendor assures me will go away in time, but it's still there after a week so I dunno... The head is useless to me as is. The other (#85) was completely squashed by the face mask from being packaged face down I guess, but luckily it has suffered no damage. Head 85 has no tongue like it was supposed to and the vendor has not been addressing that all week, which has disappointed me (this will be reflected in my vendor review)

The body was undamaged and toes and fingers seems to be in good order. The left forearm TPE seems to have been twisted slightly at some point during production, because it does not look like the right arm. Although it is noticable, it does not look unnatural and I don't mind it.

The joints however...One of her legs is very stiff and makes noises when manipulated and her back is so stiff, that I had to double check with the vendor about using so much strength/force to bend/arch her back before I went Hulk on it.. I'm told these will loosen in time... we shall see.

My thought after a a few days with the doll:

First off, she is absolutely beautiful and the softness is just right. I love the small breasts, that are barely there, the nipples are just the right size, her arms are maybe a touch on the thin side, her legs are great and her ass is PERFECT!

On the negative side... The pubic area is a bit too large for the body and it seems like they never got around to sculpting her pussy at all. It is basicly just a very shallow line in the TPE with a hole seemingly placed at random without any detailing. I am not surprised that none of the common galleries of her does not show it because it looks cheap, halfassed and has a total lack of allure... WM DOll, if you are reading this: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!! Redesign the WM158A pubic area! PLEEEEEAASEE!!!

The coloring on her nipples and pussy was excellent, not at all overly strong like the factory pictures showed. Those colors vanished with the first two initial washes sadly.

I was a bit worried cuddling. Would it be awkward? Would it put me off from the doll? Would I even be able to since I turn a lot while sleeping I think? Luckily, it's been great. I had to get used to it and figure out proper positions and all that, but today I woke up holding her the same way I fell asleep. The only awkwardness stems from the stiff joints mentioned above, that are so hard to move, that I am wide awake again after adjusting them.

Despite my harsh criticism of her pubic area, it was love at first sight and I thank WM Doll for creating her! But please WM Doll.. fix her pubic area/vagina! and take another look at it on your WM153B as well.. That looks pretty uninspired too..
My Girls:
Emma - WM158A
Sara - WM157B
?? - XY148
