chat abbreviations and chat fun

Need some help in finding your way around TDF? Want to know the short cuts? BBCode support? Using images in your posts? It's all here.
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chat abbreviations and chat fun

Post by B3F11dolly »

Regular chatters are always happy to see new pplz in there, but it maybe takes a few visits until you feel familiar with all those stange chat abbreviations and stop to wonder WTF those people mean. NP, YW my friend, LOL. So I made a list of the most common things (promised Elle some time ago, but forgot about it). So, FYI, here are some things 2 be found, have a look and hope to CYL, ROFLMAO :-P


AAMOF = as a matter of fact
AAMOI = as a matter of interest
ACP = administration control panel
ADN = any day now
AFK = away from keyboard
AFAIC = as far as I'm concerned
AFAICT = as far as I can tell
AFAIK = as far as I know
AFAIR = as far as I remember
AFJ = April Fools joke
AFOAF = a friend of a friend
AISI = as I see it
AIUI = as I understand it
AKA = also known as
ANFSCD = and now for something completely different
ASAP = as soon as possible
ASL = age, sex, location
ATF = all time favorite
AWGTHTGTTA = are we going to have to go through this again ?
AWOL = absent without leave
AYOR = at your own risk
B4N = bye for now
BAK = back at keyboard
BBFN = bye bye for now
BBIAB = be back in a bit
BBL = be back later
BEG = big evil grin
BF = boyfriend
BIAB = back in a bit
BIF = before I forget
BION = believe it or not
BOT = back on topic
BRB = be right back
BS = bullshit
BTA = but then again
BTAIM = be that as it may
BTHOM = beats the hell outta me
BTW = by the way
BWL = bursting with laughter
CFD = call for discussion
CHLMFHO = couldn't help laughing my fucking head off
CMIIW = correct me if I'm wrong
CRS = can't remember shit
CU = see you
CU2 = see you too
CUL8R = CUL = see you later
cya = see you
CYAL8R = see you all later
CYL = see you later
DIKU = do I know you ?
DILLIGAD = do I look lile I give a damn ?
DIY = do it yourself
DK = don't know
DL = download
DND = do not disturb
EG = evil grin
EOD = end of discussion
EOM = end of message
ESAD = eat shit and die
F2F = face to face
FAQ = frequently asked question
FFS = for fuck's sake
f/o = fuck off
FOAD = fuck off and die
FOFL = falling on floor, laughing
FOP = fucking old people
FS = for sale
FTASB = faster than a speeding bullet
FU = fuck you
FUBAR = fucked up beyond all repair
FWIW = for what it's worth
FYA = for your amusement
FYEO = for your eyes only
FYI = for your info
G2G = got to go
GAL = get a life
GF = girlfriend
GFN = gone for now
GL = good luck
GLBT = gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual
GR&D = grinning, ducking and running
GTBOS = glad to be of service
GTSY = good to see you
H&K = hugs and kisses
HAND = have a nice day
HF = have fun
HHOJ = haha only joking
HHOK = haha only kidding
HSIK = how should I know ?
HTH = hope that helps
IAC = in any case
IANAL = I am not a lawyer (but...)
IAW = in accordance with
IBTD = I beg to differ
IDK = I don't know
IIRC = if I remember correctly
IIWM = if it were me
IJWTK = I just want to know
IKWUM = I know what you mean
ILY = I love you
IME = in my experience
IMHO = in my humble opinion
IMNSHO = in my not so humble opinion
IMO = in my opinion
IMPOV = in my point of view
IOW = in other words
IRC = internet relay chat
IRL = in real life
ISWYM = I see what you mean
IWBNI = it would be nice if
JAM = just a minute
JAS = just a second
JFGI = just fucking google it
JFYI = just for your information
JIC = just in case
JK = just kidding
JMO = just my opinion
j/o = jerk off
JTLYK = just to let you know
k = okay
KHYF = know how you feel
KISS = keep it stupid simple
KIT = keep in touch
KMA = kiss my ass
KWIM = know what I mean ?
KYFC = keep your fingers crossed
L8R - l8ter = later
LJBF = let's just be friends
LMAO = laughing my ass off
LMFAO = laughing my fucking ass off
LOL = laugh out loud
LSHMBH = laughing so hard my belly hurts
LTHTT = laughing too hard to type
LTNS = long time no see
LUWAMH = love you with all my heart
LY = love you
MIA = missing in action
MILF = mom I'd like to fuck
MOF = matter of fact
mom = moment
MOTD = message of the day
MTFBWY = may the force be with you
MYOB = mind your own business
N/A = not available
NBD = no big deal
NC = no comment
NEWTLY = never ever want to lose you
NFW = no frigging way
n00b = noob = newbie
NOYB = none of your business
NP = no problem
NQA = no questions asked
NSFW = not safe for work
NSY = not seen yet
NTIM = not that it matters
NTIMM = not that it matters much
NTW = not to worry
NTYMI = now that you mention it
NWTLY = never want to lose you
OATUS = on a totally unrelated subject
OAUS = on an unrelated subject
OBO = or best offer
OBTW = oh by the way
OIC = oh I see
OMB = oh my Buddah
OMFG = oh my fucking God
OMG = oh my God (could also be "oh my gosh")
ONNA = oh no, not again
OT = off topic
OTFL = on the floor, laughing
OTOH = on the other hand
OTT = over the top
PD = public domain
PDS = please don't shout
PEBKAC = problem exists between keyboard and chair
PITA = pain in the ass
PLOKTA = press lots of keys to abort
PLONK = please leave our newsgroup, kid
PMBI = pardon my butting in
PMFJI = pardon me for jumping in
PMIGBOM = put mind in gear before opening mouth
PNCAH = please, no cursing allowed here
POV = point of view
ppl = pplz = people(s)
PTMM = please tell me more
PUFO = pack up fuck off
QFT = quoted for truth
qry = query
RFC = request for comments
RL = real life
ROFL = rolling on floor, laughing
ROFLAS = rolling on floor and screaming
ROFLMAO = rolling on floor, laughing my ass off
ROFLMAOTID = rolling on floor, laughing my ass off till I die
ROFLOL = rolling on floor, laughing out loud
ROFLOLAPMP = rolling on floor, laughing out loud and peeing my pants
ROFLTIC = rolling on floor, laughing till I cry
RSN = real soon now
RTFAQ = read the frequently asked questions
RTFM = read the fucking manual
SCNR = sorry, could not resist
SETE = smiling ear to ear
SICS = sitting in chair, snickering
sig = signature
SLM = see last mail
SNAFU = situation normal : all fucked up
SO = significant other
SOHF = sense of humor failure
SOW = speaking of which
SPAM = stupid person's advertisement
sry = sorry
STAT = sooner than already there
STFU = shut the fuck up
SWALK = sealed with a loving kiss
SWIM = see what I mean ?
SWL = screaming with laughter
SYS = see you soon
TAFN = that's all for now
TANJ = there ain't no justice
TBYB = try before you buy
TCOB = taking care of business
thx = thanks
TIA = thanks in advance
TIC = tongue in cheek
TINWIS = that is not what I said
TLC = take loving care
TOBG = this oughta be good
TRDMC = tears running down my cheek
TSR = totally stupid rules
TTBOMK = to the best of my knowledge
TTFN = ta-ta for now
TTYAWFN = talk to you a while from now
TTYL = talk to you later
TTYT = talk to you tomorrow
TYCLO = turn your caps lock off (no shouting)
TYVM = thank you very much
UOK = you okay ?
UTFSE = use the fucking search engine
WAEF = when all else fails
WB = welcome back
WDYMBT = what do you mean by that ?
WDYT = what do you think ?
WE = weekend
WFM = works for me
WIBNI = wouldn't it be nice if
WNOHGB = where no one has gone before
w/o = without
w00t = yay
WOTAM = waste of time and money
WRT = with respect to
WT = without thinking
WTB = want to buy
WTF = what the fuck
WTG = way to go
WTGP = want to go private
WTH = what the hell
WTTM = without thinking too much
WYSIWYG = what you see is what you get
WYSIWYPF = what you see is what you pay for
y ? = why ?
YAW = you are welcome
YGLT = you gonna love this
YGTI = you got the idea
YGWYPF = you got what you paid for
YHBT = you have been trolled
YIU = yes, I understand
YMMD = you made my day
YMMV = your milage may vary
YW = you're welcome

doll forum specials :

BT = Boy Toy doll
CG = Candygirl
FA = First Android
HVG = hustler virtual girl
LD = Loveable Dolls
MD = Mechadoll
PIB = Private Island Beauty
PM = private message
RD = Realdoll
RG = real girl
RSSD = Real Solid Sex Doll
SA = Silicone Art
SB = Superbabe
SDW = SiliconeDollWorks
TB = Teddy Babe
TD = TorsoDoll
TGIF = thanks God it's Friday

Poet language : :P :P :P

any1 = anyone
b4 = before
n1 = nice one
w8 = wait
2morrow = tomorrow
2F4U = too fast for you
R = are
Y = you
C = see
& = and
7 = here, Poet will probably mean & ( typo ) 8)
bkotu = boob king of the universe
bpotu = boob prince of the universe

Vanessa special :
brbg2p = be right back, got to pee :roll:

dollforum chat fun stuff specials :
(.)(.) = small boobies
( . ) ( . ) = big boobies :D
( o ) ( o ) = big nipples
( . \ / . ) = cleavage
( . ) / . ) = cleavage ( oops ! ) :oops:
( . \$/ . ) = striptease boobies

other funny stuff :
:- P = sticking tongue out
:-O = surprised
:- o = yawning
: -) = smiling
: -( = sad
:`-( = tear / crying
[:-] = square head
:-Q~ = smoker
*<I:- ) = clown
(:I = egghead
O_o = wink

:roll: What else is missing ? Well, let's join the chat and talk some nonsense to see what else is missing, but no worries, you just need to come in and ask some question and we will all be good and helpful boys 'n dolls... :D Don't be MIA, CYA, LOL :P

German chat abbreviations :
ABF = aller beste Freundin
BF = beste Freundin
BG = breit grins
DAU = dümmster anzunehmender User
G = grins
gn8 = gute Nacht
HDF = halt die Fresse
HDL = hab dich lieb
HDGDL = hab dich ganz doll lieb
HEL = hab euch lieb
HEAGDL = hab euch alle ganz doll lieb
HGW = herzliche Glückwünsche
IDA = ich dich auch
IEA = ich euch auch
ILD = ich liebe dich
KA = keine Ahnung
KB = kein Bock
KP = klein Plan
LD = lieb dich
LG = liebe Grüße
ME = meines Erachtens
MOF = Mensch ohne Freunde
MMN = meiner Meinung nach
VG = viele Grüße
VLG = viele liebe Grüße
WD = wieder da
WE = Wochenende

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Post by flavortang »

This thread should be stickied if it isn't already.

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Post by Poet »

Ah thanks Vanessa! This is also as good a time as any to announce that I have proclaimed myself LOC

LOC= Lord of Chat

Since Mel has gone I have usurped her power.....LOC.....Yes one of my many titles, Mid may disagree, as is his right, but NLT, he, a mere ornament upon the tree of chat, whilst, I, the star that sits upon the apex of the tree (ouch... 8O )
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Post by Keithallen »

Did you say something Poet? :razz:

Vanessa, you forgot the TDF chatroom cheer!!


also: Don't forget to bring your beer offering ... Nyeh! :lol:

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Re: chat abbreviations and chat fun

Post by r2d2 »

Vanessa wrote: dollforum chat fun stuff specials :
(.)(.) = small boobies
( . ) ( . ) = big boobies :D
( o ) ( o ) = big nipples
( . \ / . ) = cleavage
( . ) / . ) = cleavage ( oops ! ) :oops:
( . \$/ . ) = striptease boobies

and how about these LOL :lol:

(_!_) a regular ass

(__!__) a fat ass

(!) a tight ass

(_*_) a sore ass

{_!_} a swishy ass

(_o_) an ass that's been around

(_x_) kiss my ass

(_X_) leave my ass alone

(_zzz_) a tired ass

(_E=mc2_) a smart ass

(_$_) Money coming out of his ass

(_?_) Dumb Ass

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by technoguy »


Those are cute!

Here's a site with a bunch of Chat acronyms for reference. Of them, I might have used two or do people remember all of these?

I kind of like the artistic stuff people make with their non-alphabetic keyboard characters.

For an RG one is trying to impress, offer a rose. The chicks really dig these:


Here's a wizard:


Sticking your tongue out at someone:


Feeling sick:



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Post by Elle »

thanks a lot Vanessa :wink: Very helpful !

Since few weeks, i note some abbreviations i don't understand :P
Dont ROFL, maybe there are just acronym 8)


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Re: chat abbreviations and chat fun

Post by Wildcard2007 »

[quote="Vanessa"]Regular chatters are always happy to see new pplz in there]


but seriously, i been chatting for wel, many years on various networks that use the sybols above, more or less.<CR>
So far i haven not been able to memorise them for some reason or the other,<LF> i guess SMS, GPRS, MMS, GPS and T2 or whas that T4 or T1 ? did their work and drove me nuts.#27

all these shortcuts should be declared a language so that if anybody x me can you speak chat ?, i can officially say no. I used to read FYI, as 'fuck you insane', thought the ones who wrote it where just loving life a lot and needed a break.

do i have to know the above, prior to going into the chat ? (just wondering though).
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Post by B3F11dolly »

Elle wrote:Since few weeks, i note some abbreviations i don't understand :P
Dont ROFL, maybe there are just acronym 8)
Not that I know them all.... I think "duh" or "d'uh" is the same as I say with "D'OOOH ! 8O ", that's a sound of surprise and being desperate. Just read D'OOOH ! aloud and imagine you just broke a vase wifey bought on your marriage trip, and you have its meaning. When a member joins the chat and says "just noticed dolly has a tear in her armpit", most members will answer with "D'OH :( "

okay, searching some more old papers lying around here...
here are some more :P
f/o = fuck off
w/o = without
j/o = jerk off
thx = thanks
bs = bullshit
jk = just kidding
wtg = way to go
bbl = be back later ( on this forum, could also be Bigbuttlover ) :-P
biab = back in a bit
tc = take care ( here, also used for TheConnoisseur ) :P

doll forum specials
tlc = tender loving care

Poet special
bkotu = boob king of the universe

(will edit post above, sort things alphabetically and add new stuff)

nah, or course you do NOT need to know this crap to log in on chat !
and no ! it's no shame to just ask what it means if you don't know ! :wink:

Up to now, thread is not sticky.
Not sure how many stickies a forum needs,
if any moderator thinks it should be sticky, go ahead ! :D

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Post by AlexKnight »

Don't forget Tanya's TGIF... :razz: (Thank God It's Friday)
Check out Kayla's Christmas dress by clicking here. - December 17, 2015
or have a look at Ashley's Coverdoll release by clicking here - June 13, 2015

A must-see video on Realdoll softness! Click here!
A Spark of Kindness may start a Fire of Love.

Here's my Doll Album, with pictures of Jenna*, Melissa*, Kayla & Ashley, and some other things: Doll Album Gallery
*I no longer have Jenna or Melissa.


Post by Guest »

Hey, i read this sticky thread because the old Slate's thread.

This one is now a true BIBLE !

Thanks Vanessa :D

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Post by Elle »

Sorry, i was a guest :(
Someone should have eaten the TDF cookie on my PC :(

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Post by timetraveler1 »

thanks Vanessa , for the abreviations now i'm not in the dark about some abbreviations ... well not as much !! :wink:

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Post by Renate »

( ) ( )
( o.o )
( U U )
( ''' ''' ) Bunny

.............00............ Heart

............00..00 Money
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Post by tchon »

Elle wrote:Since few weeks, i note some abbreviations i don't understand :P
google told me from several sources that:

TMI = Too much information

the other ones are pretty unknown even to google, so I conclude they dont exist ;-)
"ahve" ... can this just be a mistyped "have" ? (hard to tell without context)

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