Sanhui Review: 145cm Small-breast (2019) and 165+cm (2017)

Established since 2002, Sanhui Model Making Co.,Ltd has been endeavoring in the creation and the making of life-like female dolls in various sizes and materials. Our products range from anime models to life-sized and altered-proportion platinum silicone love dolls. The dolls are anatomically correct with fully functional orifices to the intimate touch and feel of a real lady with curvy figure from Yoga coaching.
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Sanhui Review: 145cm Small-breast (2019) and 165+cm (2017)

Post by CDPDoll »

Hello everyone!

This is a review of the new Sanhui 145cm small-breast doll as well as a comparison between the the Sanhui 165+cm (addeline) doll from 2017. TDF has been very helpful in helping me decide which dolls to get and I'm looking to return the favor! I hope to help all you prospective Sanhui doll owners figure out if this is the right doll for you.

Tl;dr: Sanhui dolls are lovely and look amazing, their customer service is great although emails sometimes don't reach. They are also constantly improving their dolls. If you are looking for a silicone doll as your first doll I recommend a 145cm or smaller as there is a learning curve to them and is easier to take care of. You won't be disappointed with a Sanhui doll.

Rating for 2017 doll: 7.9/10
Rating for late 2018 doll: 9/10

Specifications for 145cm
Link to doll:

Year of Purchase: December 2018 (Basically 2019)
Eye Color: #3 (Navy blue-ish, see picture below)
Skin Color: Caucasian White
Face: Eva
Textured: Yes
  • Nipple/Areola Pigment: Pink
  • Vagina Pigment: Pink
  • Soft Belly
  • Soft Thighs
  • Soft Breasts
  • Soft Butt
Specifications for 165+cm
Link to doll:

Year of Purchase: February 2017
Eye Color: #2 (Aquamarine, see picture below)
Skin Color: Caucasian White
Face: Addeline
Textured: Yes
  • Nipple/Areola Pigment: Pink (There were no distinct options like there is now, so might not be the option "pink" on the site)
  • Vagina Pigment: Pink
  • Soft Belly
  • Soft Breasts
  • Soft Butt
List of eye colors provided by Sanhui:

Rating: 9.5/10

Both dolls were packaged in the same way. A cardboard box is lined with hard foam approx. 3/4" thick. The doll is wrapped in soft foam sheets and a blanket. I didn't have any major problems with the shipping, when the dolls were unpacked only a utility knife was used to cut open the tape on the outside. The top is lined with a cardboard sheet on top of the hard foam so it would be almost impossible to accidentally cut the doll or anything inside. The dolls were easy to unpack since paper tape was used so no tools was needed to cut it. The dolls came with small indents and marks but a few minutes of massaging them as recommended by Sanhui removed them adequately. The head is wrapped in soft foam sheets with a harder foam around it. No issue with any extra items they sent with the doll (cleaning tool, clothes, wigs, ect.). I don't see a much better way of packing it without increasing weight/cost significantly.

Overall I think Sanhui does a good job with packing the dolls, there was no major problems. My 145cm doll came with a very small tear (2mm) at her toe from shipping but a small amount (size of a dime) of sil-poxy I had left over from a recent project was able to fix it. Side note, sil-poxy is the only silicone glue I recommend for repairs, dries flexible, clear and strong. For my 165+cm doll, there was no shipping damages to the doll so I think I just got unlucky with the 145cm. I appreciate how paper tape is used so no sharp tools has to get near the doll to unwrap it.

Platinum Silicone Skin/Body
Rating: 9/10
  1. Aesthetics and Feel
    Sanhui dolls has arguably the best mid-priced doll bodies; they are nicely detailed with a good solid shape. For both dolls, I got the textured skin. Comparing the textured look from the 165+cm (2017) to the 145cm (late 2018), I have to say it was definitely improved. The 2017 version had noticeable texture on specific spots (nipple, hands, feet, face) while it was very difficult to see without getting really close with lots of lighting. The newer late 2018 doll had a very noticeable textured look to it without having to get up close. Hands are much better textured while I would say the nipple was very slightly less textured (but it could be because the breast size/pigments are different). The feel of the 2017 textured skin is smooth while the late 2018 textured skin has a tactile feel which is noticeable. I would say there is a noticeable upgrade in texture skin quality from previous models. The feel of the newer model is softer and silky when powdered. It is incredible how they gotten platinum silicone to feel this nice compared with TPE. The late 2018 one is also soft but slightly less soft than the late 2018 skin (could be due to it being a larger doll). If you buy a doll from Sanhui, while I have no experience with the non-textured dolls, I would strongly recommend getting a textured one even if it is a bit more expensive, it is worth it based on what I have seen with their newest model. The seam-lines for my 165+cm (2017) was much cleaner and trimmed nicer than my 145cm (late 2018). There is also one finger nail on my 145cm which seems to have accidentally got cut out when doing the trimming since it is missing a small piece (like a broken nail) which is not what it would look like if it was torn in shipping or whatnot.

    (1st: 165+cm 2nd: 145cm)

  2. Durability
    As for the durability, my 165+cm doll lasted 1.75 years without any damage, afterwards it suffered a medium sized tear at the right armpit area due to me overstretching her arm when cleaning. I was able to easily repair it with sil-poxy. I can't say much for the 145cm doll yet but I will update if anything happens. In conclusion, there is nothing to worry about in terms of the durability. As long as the doll is taken care of it will not get major damage apart from normal wear. If you are worried, I would get sil-poxy and apply two thin layers under high stress areas (armpits, fingertips, and toe tips) and it should help protect against any tears. Another tip I can give is to get a body stocking, it helps significantly in moving the doll, dressing the doll, and preventing rubbing which can damaging it.
  3. Staining/Smell
    I can't say much for staining because I double washed all clothes they wear and also use retayne twice to fix the colors in clothes so no staining has been experienced. I also have had no problem with smells.
  4. Weight
    The 165+cm is heavy and is not as easy to maneuver as the 145cm but that is expected since it is smaller. There are ways/tricks into moving the 165+cm without damaging it but weight is probably one of the biggest things you will have to consider when picking a doll size. I would choose dolls that are 145cm or smaller dolls since it is just easier to take care of if it is your first doll unless you are looking for a second doll or really want a taller doll.
  5. Make-up/Pigments:
    Make-up is standard, nothing incredible. It looks nice and is simple so no complaints here. Pigmented nipple/areola/vagina looks nice, my 165+cm had glossy color while my 145cm has a more matte color, I think I prefer the glossy color, stands out more. Can't say much for non-pigmented doll options since I never got those.

    (1st: 165+cm 2nd: 145cm)

    Overall, I would say textured skin on the 2017 model is more for looks while the late 2018 model is both looks and feel. As long as the dolls are handled correctly, there will be no major problems.
Rating: 7.7/10
  • Feel
    The 145cm late 2018 head is noticeably softer than the 165+cm 2017 head. The 165+cm 2017 head is also larger so maybe that has something to do with it, again same with the body feel, not sure. The core of the head is a hard material, not sure what it is made out of but it is durable. Tongue is removable, feels like the body silicone and looks nice, teeth are soft and also looks nice.
  • Aesthetics
    Make-up is the same, eyelashes for my 165+cm was durable and didn't have any issues. I noticed the branding on the back of the doll heads was different. The 165+cm doll is branded as SANHUI DOLL while the 145cm doll is branded as W&R, can't comment on durability difference between the two yet. Top of the head for both dolls has a raised circular edge (probably from where the silicone was poured into the mold) sort of like a seam-line but is not an aesthetic issue with a wig on the doll. There is a seam-line from the top of the head running down the ears to the base of the head, not very noticeable in normal use.
  • Eyes
    Both are adjustable/movable eyes, more or less the same in terms of how it functions. It can sometimes be hard to get it in the right spot. The eyes for my 145cm was hazier than my 165+cm, perhaps it is just dirty since I have yet to give it a good cleaning/polishing. The eyes for my 165+cm was clear and looks great. Not really any problems here. Eye colors are in the image above, there are ones not listed on the website.
  • Attachment
    Their newer models has improved the attachment method, it no longer uses screw on heads. One main problem I had with the older 2017 model was that the screw part which was attached to the body was not sealed, so after several times of screwing the head on and off, black stuff would come out of the inside (maybe grease/oil) and stain the area around it grey (not as bad as it sounds, just annoying). I used some silicone sealant to try and seal it several times, but never really bonded to both platinum silicone and the metal, maybe epoxy or silicone adhesive would work better but it hasn't been bothersome enough to get me to buy and test other products. I like the newer design much better than the old screw-on version. The new heads has a smooth shaft that is pushed into the hole now attached to the body and locks into place. Removing it is just pulling on the head with a bit of force. It is much faster putting on the head now, haven't used it too much so I don't know how secure/durable it is, but from initial impressions, it seems to not be a problem. One thing I have noticed is that the head is harder to tilt, but it could be because it is a new doll. Again, it isn't sealed between the body and the metal which is a negative here.

    (1st: 165+cm 2nd: 145cm (alternates))

Rating: 8.5/10 (Rating for 2017: 6.8/10)
  • Feel (exterior)
    I have never had a Sanhui doll without any of the "jiggly" options so no comment on how that feels.
    Breasts for the 165+ (2017) are soft, very squishy and feels like there is air in it to make it jiggly/squishy, butt feels soft but less squishy and not as much jiggly-ness as the breasts, and stomach is similar to the butt in terms of feel. Breasts for the 145 are extremely soft, squishy but doesn't feel like there is air like the 165+, butt is soft and less squishy than the breasts similar to how the 165+ is. Stomach is completely different, much squishier, when the 165+ (2017) is sat upright, there is no folds on the stomach, for the 145, when it sits upright there are folds on the stomach, probably due to how they made it squishy so that is one thing to note. There were no options for thigh implants when I got the 165+ (2017) so it feels like the rest of the doll, soft but not as soft as if there were implants. The thigh implants for my 145 is nice, similar to how the butt feels. I recommend skipping the belly implant if I were to get another doll, I don't feel it is as necessary as the other implants although I never experienced the feeling of one without it. If you really like soft squishy dolls, get the implants.
  • Feel (interior)
    Vaginal/anal canals for the 165+ (2017) are medium softness, an intermediate between TPE and rubber, doesn't feel great but doesn't feel bad, it is alright. Vaginal/anal canals for the 145 is really soft, similar to TPE so it is better than the 165+ (2017). There is a texture on the inside that I think is made to mimic folds/creases in a human vagina, nothing crazy or boring here. I would say it does not beat the feeling of a real vagina or TPE but it isn't bad. (Real > TPE > 145 > 165+ (2017))
  • Aesthetics
    Vagina has gotten a visual upgrade in the latest model and I think it looks much nicer and more detailed (sorry pics are a bit blurry, camera wasn't focusing). Pigments I discussed above.
  • Miscellaneous
    No inserts is a major con here, the 165+ is really annoying to clean. To clean it I just bought a medical syringe with a plastic tube attachment and rinse it out with soapy water several times followed by clean water, then I spread the legs open so it can air try while I have a fan blowing into it. (Yes, you can take it to a bathtub/shower and do it that way but this is a very heavy doll and maneuvering it around a small space is not easy without damaging the doll. It is very difficult to fully dry the back since the walls are not straight but curving with large bumps so sometimes you have to push a cloth into it. The 145 will be easier to clean because it is smaller which is going to be really good. If you don't have time for the maintenance (20+ minutes for general clean or 1+ hour for a full clean) go with a smaller doll instead of a larger doll. Please Sanhui, offer insert options. :)

    Durability for the 165+ was good, no major damages/tears (although I never used the anal canal as the entrance is small and I didn't want to risk tears). The 145 is softer so I expect it to be less durable but I can't comment too much here for comparison between the two.

    (1st: 165+cm 2nd: 145cm)

Metal Skeleton
Rating: 8.5/10 (Rating for 2017: 7/10)

There is noticeable improvement here in the newer models, the skeleton for my 165+ (2017) had different looseness between the left and right side and was difficult to turn the each arm in the opposite directions (like the left turned better counter-clockwise while the right turned better clockwise (looking in the same direction)). The joints have loosened overtime but that was expected, as of this post, the joints aren't strong enough to hold the legs extended while at the start they could hold it. The newer model, 145, doll has a better skeleton from first impressions. The tightness between the left and right sides feels more or less the same and the arms/legs have a different way of turning them where it is in more of a circular motion than left/right/up/down.

Finger wires are fine and works decently. Ends of the wires are not sharp/pointy so less risk of breaking through the tips, but it can still happen if you are not careful with the dolls. Can move the fingers relatively well but will not hold a specific complex pose without a lot of work. Doesn't seem like there was change between the 145 and 165+ finger wires.

One advantage for Sanhui dolls is that the back can bend which is a nice bonus.

Customer Service
Rating: 9.4/10

One of the big reasons that led me to choose Sanhui for my next doll was because their customer service is outstanding. Coco was very helpful both times when ordering my dolls and dealing with issues I might have had. They answer all your questions and helps make sure you make the right choice. One downside is that emails sometimes don't get sent to them and you can wait several days without knowing if they just haven't gotten to you or they never received it. Hopefully they improve on this but I am sure they are aware of the issue. Their website also could use a bit more updating in terms of updating pictures of things like eye choices, skin tones, ect. But it certainly improved since I got my first doll.

Doll Pictures
Never showed them off before, but here they are! Elizabeth is the older sister and Juliet is the younger one. :D
Elizabeth (Blonde): 165+cm (2017)
Juliet (Pink): 145cm (late 2018)

Sorry some of the shots not in focus, camera didn't want to cooperate today. :oops:

Hope this review will be helpful for those looking to get a Sanhui doll! :)

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Re: Sanhui Review: 145cm Small-breast (2019) and 165+cm (201

Post by MakeLoveNotWar »

Thanks for doing this, very informative!

Any chance you tried weighing the 145?

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Re: Sanhui Review: 145cm Small-breast (2019) and 165+cm (201

Post by Wight »

Great up to date info! Makes me feel proud of the brand and development. Linked SH photos now mentions the 145 small-breast version weighing 22,5 kg and the 145 D-cup 23,5 kg.
Excellent spec choices, and eye color is really nice. I understand from looking at the SH photos that the new 145 small-breast version has somewhat bigger A-B boobs than my 2017 145 a-cup. Your both dolls look beautiful.
Ginevra's thread!

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Re: Sanhui Review: 145cm Small-breast (2019) and 165+cm (201

Post by mestrai4286 »

Wow they do look nice. I was hoping someone would review the 2019 small breast 145 eventually. I was looking at that one myself but keep thinking back to how short I thought my last 145 cm doll was. My chest was always in her face. But now I’m wondering if a doll 20 cm taller would make enough of a difference to justify the heavier weight. I never had a 160 cm doll. Would you say the taller ones allow for more possibilities during play? They both look so tempting but I have to stop myself from getting both.

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Re: Sanhui Review: 145cm Small-breast (2019) and 165+cm (201

Post by CDPDoll »

I personally don't think the 20cm is worth the extra weight for play. They don't necessarily allow more possibilities during play since the weight limits what you can do without damaging the doll and you have to spend more time when adjusting her safely.

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Re: Sanhui Review: 145cm Small-breast (2019) and 165+cm (201

Post by thismeanswar »

@CDPDoll you don't need to hide the nude shots behind this warning, thats not necessary!

I'd really like to see a full frontal nude shot of her body!

what I see on the sanhui website is sadly hiding the upper half of her boobs.... I guess I know why...these boobs look like they don't really fit there like the tits of the 160S...

they look like the add-on extra boobs sanhui was shipping the 145a-cup with! just like fake boobs... not natural...
whats the problem about making a naturla looking b-cup?
I mean... already the old 145a body has two different shaped boobs.... OK... I said I want something natural, so maybe thats the way it could be.... we all have seen woman with boobs that differ in size a bit....

but I think the sculptor just don't like small boobs and thats the way it looks like with the 160S and now with the new 145S too!

the new Yuu face is super cute in my eyes!! really nice japanese girl!
but maybe a bit too cute for the western world.... stupid moralfags out here...

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Re: Sanhui Review: 145cm Small-breast (2019) and 165+cm (201

Post by Nord »

Very nice and informative, thanks for sharing!

I would also love to see some proper frontal images of the breasts and body overall, if you'd be comfortable with that. This doll is awfully poorly presented on their site right now, but hopefully they will add better images later on.

I pretty much agree with thismeanswar. I really want a Sanhui doll and have been ready to buy one for like 8 months now, but I've been patiently (painfully) waiting for their B-cups. However the little we've seen of the 160S was not impressive at all due to horribly fake looking breasts. It's not even available on their site yet along with the rest of the new products, so my hope is that they are re-designing it. The 145S is looking much more promising tbh, but the images available are still not good enough to judge properly. At least it is clearly more safe to import than the 145 A-cup. They did so well with the glorious A-cup, and their big titty models are also very well shaped. But with B-cups Sanhui seems to be struggling, not sure what's going on 8O

That new head is also super cute, would definitely get this one if I would ever go with the 145S (I'm actually looking for a 155<). As mentioned it might be a border case for customs, so could be an idea to have it shipped separately.

Also, wow, 22.5kg. That is nothing compared to my 30kg WM140. Funny how I always thought silicone dolls were heavier!
Tsuki & Kiiko - Elsa Babe 125cm #RAD008, #AHR001 & #RAD010
Aio - Sanhui 160cm AIO "Nonoka"
Rei - WM 140cm D-cup #39 & #53
Nymph - DH168 80cm "Shiori"
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Re: Sanhui Review: 145cm Small-breast (2019) and 165+cm (201

Post by mestrai4286 »

I agree that the prototype 160 small breasts looked a off. Blimpy. Though the customer in that thread seemed happy enough. Sanhui looks willing to experiment, with custom orders acting as trials. They seem to be coming out with new things every year. I do like small breasts so I hope Sanhui really does address the 160’s unnatural appearence. That’ll make my decision even harder though.
I am inclined to believe CDPDoll about the extra weight of a taller doll. I remember carrying my old DS 145 like a bundle of logs. A bundle of logs would probably be way lighter actually. But I’m kind of a vanilla, or so I’ve been told, and vastly prefer missionary. If a 160 isn’t much better for that then I might as well get a 145. Speaking of which,
The 145’s vaginal opening looks tiny in the photos on Sanhui’s website. I’m not packing a grain silo by any means (more on the smaller side actually) but would you say it’s a non issue or do I have to use an aquarium full of lube to make it work? That’s what I had to do for my last doll and that was with an insert too (though I never removed it because I was afraid of tearing the sides of the insert pocket). By the way, not sure if this’ll work for you but I actually had an easy time cleaning by stuffing a microfiber cloth into the tunnel. Not the rough ones, the finer ones made for wine glasses. I just keep using different sections of the cloth until it comes out dry. Onahole maintenence techniques. Some say use a stick but I prefer not to.

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Re: Sanhui Review: 145cm Small-breast (2019) and 165+cm (201

Post by CDPDoll »

mestrai4286 wrote:I agree that the prototype 160 small breasts looked a off. Blimpy. Though the customer in that thread seemed happy enough. Sanhui looks willing to experiment, with custom orders acting as trials. They seem to be coming out with new things every year. I do like small breasts so I hope Sanhui really does address the 160’s unnatural appearence. That’ll make my decision even harder though.
I am inclined to believe CDPDoll about the extra weight of a taller doll. I remember carrying my old DS 145 like a bundle of logs. A bundle of logs would probably be way lighter actually. But I’m kind of a vanilla, or so I’ve been told, and vastly prefer missionary. If a 160 isn’t much better for that then I might as well get a 145. Speaking of which,
The 145’s vaginal opening looks tiny in the photos on Sanhui’s website. I’m not packing a grain silo by any means (more on the smaller side actually) but would you say it’s a non issue or do I have to use an aquarium full of lube to make it work? That’s what I had to do for my last doll and that was with an insert too (though I never removed it because I was afraid of tearing the sides of the insert pocket). By the way, not sure if this’ll work for you but I actually had an easy time cleaning by stuffing a microfiber cloth into the tunnel. Not the rough ones, the finer ones made for wine glasses. I just keep using different sections of the cloth until it comes out dry. Onahole maintenence techniques. Some say use a stick but I prefer not to.
I don't think it is an issue. The newer models are stretchier from what I can tell. It is hard to get cloth into the back of the canal just because it is tight in some parts of it so not sure if microfiber cloth will work but will look into it. If you mostly prefer missionary and won't move the doll a lot then 160+ is not a bad choice in my opinion. But if you plan to do other positions then the 145 is more versatile. The only position I would consider using for my 165 atm is missionary.

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Re: Sanhui Review: 145cm Small-breast (2019) and 165+cm (201

Post by CDPDoll »

Nord wrote:Very nice and informative, thanks for sharing!

I would also love to see some proper frontal images of the breasts and body overall, if you'd be comfortable with that. This doll is awfully poorly presented on their site right now, but hopefully they will add better images later on.

I pretty much agree with thismeanswar. I really want a Sanhui doll and have been ready to buy one for like 8 months now, but I've been patiently (painfully) waiting for their B-cups. However the little we've seen of the 160S was not impressive at all due to horribly fake looking breasts. It's not even available on their site yet along with the rest of the new products, so my hope is that they are re-designing it. The 145S is looking much more promising tbh, but the images available are still not good enough to judge properly. At least it is clearly more safe to import than the 145 A-cup. They did so well with the glorious A-cup, and their big titty models are also very well shaped. But with B-cups Sanhui seems to be struggling, not sure what's going on 8O

That new head is also super cute, would definitely get this one if I would ever go with the 145S (I'm actually looking for a 155<). As mentioned it might be a border case for customs, so could be an idea to have it shipped separately.

Also, wow, 22.5kg. That is nothing compared to my 30kg WM140. Funny how I always thought silicone dolls were heavier!
If I remember when I get back from Christmas vacation I will post some frontal pics. I don't think the breasts look too un-natural for the 145.

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Re: Sanhui Review: 145cm Small-breast (2019) and 165+cm (201

Post by CDPDoll »

IMG_3037.JPG (1.89 MiB) Viewed 5289 times
IMG_3036.JPG (2.2 MiB) Viewed 5289 times
here is the front shots

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Re: Sanhui Review: 145cm Small-breast (2019) and 165+cm (201

Post by LaDollyVita »

CDPDoll wrote:No inserts is a major con here, the 165+ is really annoying to clean. To clean it I just bought a medical syringe with a plastic tube attachment and rinse it out with soapy water several times followed by clean water, then I spread the legs open so it can air try while I have a fan blowing into it.
I highly recommend purchasing an aquarium air pump to dry your doll. You will find it gets the job done more thoroughly and quickly than using a fan, especially in dolls whose inserts and built-ins have nooks and crannies to provide texture. You also don't need to leave her sitting in a position suggesting a gynecological exam is imminent.

Yes, I said inserts too. This method works great for both types. Some aquarium pumps can be purchased with dual lines, so folks with aggressive appetites can dry two inserts at the same time when needed.

Great review, CDP. Thanks for taking the time!

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Re: Sanhui Review: 145cm Small-breast (2019) and 165+cm (201

Post by MakeLoveNotWar »

Thanks for uploading the images CDPDoll! :thumbs_up:

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Re: Sanhui Review: 145cm Small-breast (2019) and 165+cm (201

Post by thismeanswar »

thanks for the photos!

doesn't look as bad as I thought it might look like

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Re: Sanhui Review: 145cm Small-breast (2019) and 165+cm (201

Post by mestrai4286 »

Thanks for the frontal shots CDPDoll. I like the extra details you can gather from member photos. If I ever get one I’ll be sure to contribute to the database :) Are the shape of those breasts fixed like that or do they kind of sag realistically when your turn her around? I know you mentioned they were soft but I remember having breast toys that were soft feeling yet didn’t flop or jiggle. The breasts on the doll look good though and I wouldn’t even mind that much if they were firmer than I expect. I wonder if I can have the areola size reduced though.

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